11 June 2024 – Discerning the Voice of God – Part 2

Romans 8:12 For if you are living according to the [impulses of the] flesh, you are going to die. But if [you are living] by the [power of the Holy] Spirit you are habitually putting to death the sinful deeds of the body, you will [really] live forever.

We cannot live under the direction and the instruction of the Holy Spirit if we do not know to discern His voice. Hearing the Holy Spirit comes by discipline and routine. It is a learnt habit when we set aside time everyday to listen to Him. In our prayer time we must still our emotions and racing thoughts to rush into the busy day and tune-in to listen to what He has to say to us. An impulsive and instinctive lifestyle will lead to defeat but habitually rejecting temptation and surrendering to the still small voice of the Holy Spirit will lead us to eternal life. Once you tune-in first thing in the morning it’s easier to hear the divine radio waves throughout the day.

The transformation of Moses is an excellent example of a life that was morphed from carnal wayward living to spiritual lifestyle by listening to the directions of the Holy Spirit. The same Moses who impulsively killed an Egyptian when he was 40 years old became the meekest man of earth, 40 years later. Now the man Moses was very meek, above all the men that were upon the face of the earth (Numbers 12:3). Discerning and listening to the voice of God changed Moses from an impulsive man to an insightful man. The contentious spirit was automatically driven out of Moses as He spent time listening to the voice of God.  

How to discern the Voice of God?

1.         Tune-in: At least 80% of our prayer time must be set aside to listen. Spend time alone with God and ask Him to speak to you. Tuning into the divine channel is just like tuning your radio. We have to fine tune until all the frequency is received without interruption. Similarly, calm down distractions, disturbances and diversions to focus on the divine frequency.       

2.         Touch: God does not always speak in audible voice but through impressions in our heart. He will touch our hearts when we sing a song or read the Bible or through a directive thought. God’s voice can be felt when our spirit is touched. It is not just a feeling but a transformational touch deep down in our heart.    

3.         Tablet: The Lord gave Moses two tablets with the Ten Commandments and He has given us His written Word, the Bible. He will speak to us through His Word. Sit at His feet with a pen and journal, laptop or a tablet and wait for His anointing to flow through from your heart into your hand.     

Tune-in for His divine touch and write down every day what the Lord has to say to you. Cultivate the habit of listening to the Holy Spirit.

Deuteronomy 32:2a May my teaching drop as the rain, my speech distill as the dew, like gentle rain upon the tender grass, and like showers upon the herb.

Prayer: Sovereign Saviour, teach me to tune-in to hear your gentle voice and to touch and transform my life. Amen.

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