16 June 2024 – Discerning the Voice of God – Part 7

Daniel 4:5 I had a dream that made me afraid. As I was lying in bed, the images and visions that passed through my mind terrified me.

The Lord God speaks to us through dreams and visions. The understanding of the message came to him in a vision (Daniel 10:1b). An average person dreams about three to seven dreams a night. Dreams last throughout our eight hours of sleep but they are quickly forgotten as soon as we wake up. However, if we remember the dreams after we wake up and if they regurgitate in our mind, the dreams carry a message.

It is important to discern between ‘late-night fast food dreams’ or ‘pizza dreams’ and dreams with divine memorandums. Watching horror movies or prayerlessness might cause nightmares. Such dreams do not warrant interpretation rather a lifestyle change.

The Lord God spoke to Joseph through dreams that painted a portrait of his destiny. The Lord spoke to all his prophets pictorially in visions and dreams. “Listen to my words: “When there is a prophet among you, I, the Lord, reveal myself to them in visions, I speak to them in dreams” (Numbers 12:6-7). Don’t ignore dreams and visions that resonate in your mind after you wake up. Record the visions, ruminate, and pray over the dreams. Ask the Lord to interpret and reveal Himself. Dreams and visions are a glimpse into our future and a pictorial blueprint of God’s plan for our lives. Dreams are also information or instructions. They can also be precautions and forewarning of snares ahead for us.  

Discerning the Voice of God through dreams and visions:

1.         Information: Dreams could be packed with information, so every detail, move, colour, place, time and people are relevant. “Do not interpretations belong to God? (Genesis 40:8b). Write down a dream with its details and prayer over it.  The Lord who gave you the ‘information’ will also give you the ‘interpretation’.    

2.         Instruction: Dreams will have instruction to make a decision or our next move. Joseph was instructed in a dream to take Mary and Baby Jesus and flee to Egypt (Matthew 2:13). The Magi were instructed to go back to their country through another route in a dream (Matthew 2:12). Ask the Lord to reveal the understanding and the instructions in a dream.     

3.         Influence: Dreams influence our character, conduct and communication. Then Joseph remembered the dreams which he dreamed about them (Genesis 42:9). Joseph’s character was molded through the pictorial portrait of God’s plan that was embedded in his heart through dreams and visions. Allow the dream to shape your personality and influence your perspectives and potential.

Dreams and visions are pictures of God’s blueprint and divine plans for your life.

1 Kings 3:5 At Gibeon the LORD appeared to Solomon during the night in a dream, and God said, “Ask for whatever you want me to give you.”

Prayer: Dearest Holy Spirit, help me to discern your still small voice and impressions in my heart and to interpret your voice that speaks to me through dreams and visions. Amen.

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