19 June 2024 – Blood Bathed – Part 3

3 Kings 3:22 When they got up early in the morning, the sun was shining on the water. To the Moabites across the way, the water looked red—like blood.

The blood of Jesus is a shield of protection around us. The enemy’s eyes are blinded to our blessings when the blood is over us.

The King of Israel with two other allies, the King of Samaria and the King of Judah went to fight against the Moabites. In the desert of Edom there was no water for their cattle, animals and cavalry and Jehoshaphat, the King of Judah called Prophet Elisha to petition on their behalf. But now bring me a harpist.” While the harpist was playing, the hand of the Lord came on Elisha and he said, “This is what the Lord says: I will fill this valley with pools of water (vs 15-16). The next morning during the time of morning sacrifice, water flowed from the red-sand desert of Edom and filled the valleys for the dehydrated animals and people to be refreshed but to the enemy, water looked red like blood.

It is a practice of the kings to offer sacrifice before they go for battle; hence there were cattle (for sacrifice) and harpists (for worship) who accompanied the Israelite coalition. This valley will be filled with water, and you, your cattle and your other animals will drink (vs 17b). The evil eyes of the enemy cannot see our blessings when there is ‘worship’, ‘sacrifice of praise’ and prayer in our homes. All that he can see would be red blood! As the harpist strummed and the soldiers sang praises, the camp of the three kings was covered with protection similarly, as we sing, worship and praise the name of the Lord, the shed blood of Jesus stands as the defensive fortified wall of protection around us.

The blood is our protection:

1.         Favour: The kings offered burnt sacrifices to receive the favour of the Lord before battle. Favour follows obedience. Our consistency and obedience in our daily time of prayer and worship builds the protective wall of favour and blinds the eyes of the enemy. The blood builds the wall of favour.          

2.         Fortify: The blood gave the kings a winning edge over the enemy. The water that looked like blood fooled the Moabites. “That’s blood!” they said. “Those kings must have fought and slaughtered each other” (vs 23) and they came to plunder the camp only to be attacked and defeated. The blood fortifies our territory.  

3.         Fence: The blood is the spiritual invisible fence of protection around us. Applying the blood keeps the enemy away from us. 

Praise and worship draws the favour of God and fortifies and fences our homes, finance, fortune and future with the blood of Jesus.

I Kings 3:20 The next morning, about the time for offering the sacrifice, there it was—water flowing from the direction of Edom! And the land was filled with water.

Prayer: Jesus my Saviour, I need your blood protection to surround me and to blind the eyes of the enemy. Teach me to be imbibed in the importance of applying the blood.  Amen.

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