21 June 2024 – Blood Bathed – Part 5

Joshua 2:18 When we come into the land, you must leave this scarlet rope hanging from the window through which you let us down. And all your family members—your father, mother, brothers, and all your relatives—must be here inside the house.

Declaring the blood and applying the blood of Jesus is not a Christian cliché.  The blood of Jesus breaks age old bondages in families. Blood is the currency that bought our rights and authority back as God’s children. The blood establishes the ‘blood-bond’ and adopts us into the family of God.

Rehab the prostitute gave asylum to the two spies who went to spy on Jericho and in return for her kindness they gave her an oath to save her and her family when the Lord gave victory into their hands. However, she had to tie a scarlet thread or a red rope on the window of her house. The scarlet/red rope is the prototype of the blood of Jesus. Hanging the scarlet rope on the window was her declaration that she has been set apart from the rest.

The prostitute whose lineage was sold to immorality and the hooker who was steeped in idolatry was redeemed through the red scarlet rope into the family of God. The red thread gave her a ‘blood-bonding’, a familial bond and adoption into the Israelite camp. The atoning blood cleansed the stains of her past life and qualified her as a spotless saint. She got married to a man named Salmon and raised a godly family. “Salmon begot Boaz by Rahab” (Matthew 1:5a).  The red thread on her window broke the genetic bondages, paid the price to purchase her out of the slavery of sin and became the thread that tied her to an eternally binding blood-bond.

Blood-bond through the blood of Jesus:

1.         Breaks: The blood of Jesus breaks bondages and genetically transmitted unhealthy traits. The infidelity and idolatry in the family of Rehab was broken by her bold action to tie the scarlet rope on her window. The blood breaks bondages.   

2.         Buys: The blood of Jesus purchases privileges, positions, power, possessions and prominence that we are not entitled to. The redeemed prostitute was adopted not as a ‘dumpster’ but a ‘daughter’ into the Israelite family in a time and age when there was no emancipation for a prostitute.  

3.         Bond: The blood brings us into the blood-bonding with the divine family. Rehab (the redeemed hooker), was the great-great grandmother of King David and is found in the genealogy of Jesus. The blood of Jesus breaks ungodly bondages and adopts us through ‘blood-bonding’ into the royal heritage.  

The blood of Jesus is the unbreakable thread that unites us into the family of God.

Joshua 6:17 Only Rahab the prostitute and all who are with her in her house shall be spared, because she hid the spies we sent.

Prayer: Dearest Lord Jesus, thank you for the blood that is the binding thread and the blood-bond into your holy family. Your blood has made me worthy for blessings that I am not eligible for. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

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