24 June 2024 – Indelible Credentials – Part 1

Genesis 6:9 This is the account of Noah and his family. Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God.

The most intelligent man in the world for the year 2024 is YoungHoon Kim from South Korea with an impressively high IQ score of 276. Intelligent Quotient (IQ) is measured by finding a person’s mental age divided by their chronological age and then multiplied by 100. The unbelievably high score has placed the name of YongHoon Kim on the leaderboard and in the inerasable record of the Guinness Book of World Records.

Worldly awards, achievements and accolades are important however, while chasing after earthly altitudes it is important to be conscious of the indelible credentials that we are accumulating in heaven. Our time on earth is limited but our heavenly home is forever and ever. Our days may come to seventy years, or eighty, if our strength endures (Psalm 90:10). Every day on earth is a bonus to amass imperishable credentials that are transferable from earth to eternity. As much as it is important to grow in our career, build homes and raise a family, it is more crucial to build-up indelible credentials in our permanent home, heaven.

There are books in heaven that record our walk, talk and our secret thoughts. There is a book called the “Book of Account” that records all our chit chats and casual conversations. Then those who feared the LORD spoke to one another, and the LORD listened and heard them; so a book of remembrance was written before him for those who fear the LORD and who meditate on his name (Micah 3:16). There is a cloud above the IT cloud service where our actions/reactions/inhibitions are permanently captured, filed and archived.

While God was glancing through ‘The Book of Remembrance’, one man’s faithfulness caught His attention. The righteousness, obedience and faithfulness of Noah opened the ‘floodgates of favour’ before the earth was washed away by the great flood waters. Noah didn’t beseech for favour; the indelible credentials in the Book of Remembrance inundated Noah with God’s favour.

Indelible Credentials in Heaven:

1.         Obscurity: Our faithfulness in obscurity will be recorded in heaven. Our selfless service without expecting anything in return; the help we extend to people who can never repay; the time invested in handholding a weaker brother/sister will be recorded in the official documentation in heaven. We might be forgotten by the people who were blessed through us but it goes as the indelible credentials in the ‘Book of Remembrance’.

2.         Purity: Our purity in our privacy is powerful. Purity in thoughts translates into words and actions. Purity makes our credentials illuminate, jump out of the book and will glow in heaven.     

3.         Integrity: Our honesty is our spiritual pigmentation that prints credentials in the Book of Remembrance.   

Faithfulness in obscurity, purity in privacy and our incessant integrity imprints indelible credentials in the Book of Remembrance.

Matthew 12:36 But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, help me to live intentionally to add to the indelible credentials in the Book of Remembrance. Empower me to live righteously, blamelessly and faithfully before You. Amen.

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