02 July 2024 – Stages of Growth – Part 2

Acts 17:11 Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.

The next stage of spiritual growth is toddlers. By the age of 3 years about 80% of the brain is developed and a child’s brain begins to develop memory, language, thinking and reasoning skills. Toddlers learn by imitating the behaviour of adults or siblings. They experience new and complex emotions, pretend to play, become more independent, and learn a lot of new words. Their brain and body are very active. There is a lot of energy and enthusiasm. They become envious and the feeling of protecting what is theirs will be very noticeable especially when there is a new sibling in the home.  They want to learn, play and explore the world.

In the early stages of spiritual growth our enthusiasm and energy levels will be high. We will be thirsty for the Word and would want to be involved in everything. However, we would notice possessiveness, envy and intuitiveness. Like a toddler that is possessive of his toys and teddy bear, a toddler Christian will struggle to let go of anything given to them. They would be intimidated and hurt easily and would be susceptible to distraction. They seek a lot of attention, recognition and importance.  We will notice ‘toddler tantrums’ in Christians who are not nurtured and groomed under wise spiritual parents. 

During the Apostle Paul’s ministry journey, unlike the strong-headed Thessalonians the Bereans were eager to learn and examined the Scriptures. We must never grow out of the eagerness to delve deeper and deeper into scripture and grow stronger and stronger in the Lord.

Toddler Christianity:

1.         Energy: The high energy levels of toddlers must be directed to educational learning. It is important to limit their screen time and engage them in brain-building activities such as puzzles, blocks, storytelling and the like. Similarly, our energy must be channeled to activities that will help us to learn, grow and mature. A toddler Christian must develop a disciplined prayer life, methodical studying of the Bible and the regular fasting pattern. These are disciplines that will shape us into maturity.  

2.         Enthusiasm: The enthusiasm of a toddler must be appreciated and guided. Neglecting a toddler’s enthusiasm can distort the development of the brain circuits. Likewise, the passion of a growing Christian must be encouraged and channeled if not their spiritual growth will be stunted.     

3.         Explore: A Toddler learns by exploring. A growing Christian must be encouraged to explore and be equipped to become independent. Like a mother who allows her toddler to eat, dress and walk independently, a toddler Christian must be encouraged to grow resilience and agility.

The intuitiveness and enthusiasm of a toddler Christian must be channeled and cherished to growth and maturity.

1 Corinthians 14:20 Brothers and sisters, stop thinking like children. In regard to evil be infants, but in your thinking be adults.

Prayer: Dearest Lord Jesus, if there are any childish traits in me help me mature and grow strong in you. Amen.

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