04 July 2024 – Stages of Growth – Part 4

2 Peter 3:18. 18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

‘Teenage’ years (between the ages of 13 years to 19 years), are a very interesting and unique age group. Teenagers have to be handled with care and wisdom. There are a lot of changes that happen to a teenager physically, psychologically and sociologically. They should not be treated like children. Parents and caretakers should stop infantilizing teenagers and allow them a certain level of independence within safe boundaries.

Some of the common struggles of teenagers are anxiety, depression, bullying, substance abuse, peer pressure, academic challenges and most importantly the influence of social media. Teenagers who are not guided and supported will become distracted, discouraged and derailed from their focus.   

A teenage Christian also struggles with similar spiritual issues. A growing believer could still be struggling to overcome strongholds of the past such as fear, guilt, shame, stigma, anxiety or depression and would need constant coaching and handholding to learn to fight and defeat temptations. Nurturing a growing Christian in the ‘grace’ and the ‘knowledge’ of Jesus Christ will make them resilient, tenacious and triumphant. If a person is still hammered by guilt or is stigmatized by the messy past, they have not understood the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. The antidote to panic attacks, bouts of doubts, despair or substance abuse is the knowledge of Jesus Christ. The more we know the Word the faster we will grow out of teenage tantrums.

Teenage Christians are very vulnerable and would need to be surrounded by those who cherish, care and cultivate them.

Teenage Christianity:

1.         Distraction: Teenagers are prone to be distracted easily as their cognitive control is still developing. Hence, teenagers must be trained to make the right choices of life skills that will keep them focused. Likewise a ‘teenage Christian’ must be guided to learn good habits and unlearn habits that would distract focus and destroy their spiritual development. Routine setting is a very important spiritual skill to develop during the formative years.

2.         Discourage: Teenagers can be easily distracted and discouraged. A teen Christian must be guided to comprehend the nature of our Father in Heaven. God is not a dictatorial discipliner with a long cane waiting to smack our backs. They must be enlightened to the truth that when God says ‘no’ it is in our best interest and is not a punishment. In depth Bible study and developing a habit of listening to God will help them fight spiritual discouragement.      

3.         Disorder: Teenagers in their formative years scramble to find their identity. They normally follow a superhero, an older sibling or a senior but the wrong friendships and fellowships will lead to foul habits. Teenage Christians must be led to make Jesus their superhero in order to overcome peer pressure and identity disorder.    

Teen Christians must develop healthy routines, relationships and habits.  

Psalm 119:9 How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word.

Prayer: Dearest Lord Jesus, be my superhero always and nurture me to grow in faith, grace and in divine wisdom. Amen.

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