20 July 2024 – Insecurities – Part 6

1 Samuel 18:12 Saul was afraid of David, because the LORD was with David but had departed from Saul.

Insecurity makes a person defensive, dreadful and doubtful.  Insecurity will incarcerate a person with imaginary fear and terror. The insecure man or woman lives in constant fear of rejection and a deep uncertainty about whether his or her own feelings and desires are legitimate.” — Beth Moore. Insecurity wraps a person’s thought life with the need to keep proving that they are good, lovable and valuable. Their worth and value is in what they do and not in who they are. Insecurity inculcates a theory of ‘performance based acceptance’. It pierces a cavity in the soul and fills it with the dread of rejection and the fear of losing relationships, positions, and opportunity.

Saul was an extremely insecure king and the mighty warrior ended his life as a deadly monster. So from that time on Saul kept a jealous eye on David (1 Samuel 18:8). Saul could not applaud the budding champion, David. Saul was old enough to be David’s father when David killed Goliath, yet he could not cherish the success of the teenager. Saul in his insecurity tried to eliminate all competition by attempting to kill David. And Saul sought to pin David to the wall with the spear, but he eluded Saul, so that he struck the spear into the wall. And David fled and escaped that night (1 Samuel 19:10). Saul was gripped with the fear that David was becoming popular and powerful and would replace him. The fear of rejection turned into fiendish possession. The effects of insecurity are cruel and brutal.

Effects of Insecurity:

1.         Defensive: Insecure people are very defensive. The need to be good to everyone will make an insecure person lie and exaggerate. Defensive people are more likely to suffer rejection than those who are candid and honest. Accepting mistakes and apologizing breaks the defense mechanism of insecurity.   

2.         Dreadful: Insecure people are imprisoned with dread of loss, denial and defeat. You would seldom find an insecure person happy. Dread derails us from our purpose. Refocus from panic to purpose. Our purpose on earth is to be the salt and light to those around us; not to please people and to be in their good books.  

3.         Doubtful: Insecurity misleads to imaginary apprehensions and doubt. They can be over protective, nosy, touchy and possessive. They want to know everything as it puts their fluttering anxiety to rest for a short while until the next fear chocks the mind. Those who are part of your destiny will never reject you but those who would destroy your future will be eliminated – release them. So, just be yourself and allow God to manage your relationships.   

Insecurity makes a person extremely timid, unhappy and unpleasant.

Our security is only in Christ Jesus who never changes, never forgets and never gives up on us. Rest and trust in Him.

Psalm 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life, of whom shall I be afraid?

Prayer: Father God, I surrender my defensiveness, dread and doubt at your feet. Fill me with confidence that you will not withhold any good thing from me. Amen.

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