23 July 2024 – God and Me – Part 2

Matthew 16:26 For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

Gaining the goodwill of men and the networth of the world will be of no use if a person has lost their soul. To lose one’s soul is to carelessly open the door for the enemy through wrong habits and company. If our soul (desires, will, emotions and intellect) is not protected, it will be stolen by the enemy.

“People doing the wrong thing for the right reasons. People doing the right thing for the wrong reasons. Only getting what they wanted if it would ultimately destroy them.” — Emily Henry.

Whatever we do and say, (serving, giving and caring) must be validated by the Lord God. Accolades from men have no value in heaven.  

The rule of thumb is, if our actions and inactions must make us more like Jesus. We must reflect Christ sincerely in everything that we do. Validation from men might gain popularity in the world but the disapproval of heaven. If the service and generosity of a person has ulterior motives of gaining fame and status, there is a wide open door for the enemy to enter, ravage and loot.

God chooses the weak, unschooled, unwise and the most unqualified people of the world as he screens the intentions of the heart. God’s choice is based on our closeness with Him in our heart and not based on our gifts, skills and talents. For man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7). God’s choice of the next king was a ruddy dirty shepherd boy David simply because He wanted a man who would understand His heartbeat. David’s close communion with God qualified him. In a time when worship was traditional and conventional David could pick up his harp and conversed with God through his singing and playing. His ‘God and Me’ time took him from the wilderness into the palace, both literally and spiritually.      

God and Me:

1.         Serve: If our sacrificial service, ministry and generosity do not reflect the heart of God, our service and giving will be in vain. A person who is doing the right thing for the wrong reasons is running in vain.      

2.         Save: Our counseling or caring will not save a distressed family or a disillusioned soul. Only Christ Jesus can save a person. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast (Ephesians 2:8-9). Our availability makes us the hands and feet of Jesus. If God uses us to accomplish His plan, we must be humbled to be used by Him. He is the Saviour not you and me.  

3.         Soul: The enemy is after our soul; however our God and Me time keeps him far from even peeping into our domain.        

‘God and Me’ time will make us meek to accomplish His will.

1 Corinthians 10:31 Whatever you do—whether you eat or drink or not—do it all to the glory of God!

Prayer: Dear Jesus, let everything that I do and say bring glory to you and you alone. Amen.

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