26 July 2024 – God and Me – Part 5

James 2:23 And so it happened just as the Scriptures say: “Abraham believed God, and God counted him as righteous because of his faith.” He was even called the friend of God.

Our ‘God and Me’ time that develops into a fond friendship and a trusted relationship is the authentication of our faith. Trust must work both ways. We must be able to trust the Lord at all times and He must be able to trust us with secrets and difficult assignments. Disappointments, disturbing diagnosis, derailing dissolutions or damaging disloyalties would be the true test of our trust in the Lord. However, developing a best-mate connection would surpass all the drowning desperations and keep us still and firm on Him.  

Best-Mate service in telecommunication allows us to talk, text, PXT (picture text messages) and video call, as much as you like with your best-mate. Our God and Me connection must always be on best-mate.

Abraham trusted God’s Word, uprooted his family and went to an unknown land. However, there was famine in the land (Genesis 12:10). Abraham did not question God or doubt His voice as he was continuously talking to and texting his best-mate. His nephew whom he thought would be like a son to him left him and went his way. Yet, Abraham was not perturbed as the conversations with his best-mate kept him going. The diagnosis of infertility was conclusive because of their age, nevertheless he trusted in the Physician of all physicians. The best-mate chats made him benevolent and buoyant.  

God and Me conversations must on best-mate connection:

1.         Best-Mate: Abraham trusted God but the Lord God also trusted Abraham which is what made Abraham ‘God’s best-mate’. The friendship of the LORD is for those who fear him, and he makes known to them his covenant (Psalm 25:14). There must be an uninterrupted prayer-link on the best-mate connection about everything that happens in our life both small and big. We mustn’t talk to him in the morning and forget about him until we hit the bed at night. Involving and discussing everything with the Lord will make us God’s best-mate.    

2.         Soul-Mate: Abraham had a unique deep connection based on a mutual understanding with the Lord. This is why he was able to take his son Isaac up Mt. Moriah to be sacrificed as a burnt offering. He didn’t share this conversation with anyone – neither Sarah nor his dear son Isaac. Developing an unshakable trust, understanding, and acceptance will make us God’s soul-mates.   

3.         Intimate: God and Me prayer connection is our intimate time with the Lord. Intimacy simply means close familiarity and cherished friendship. It is an unshakable trust that God can never go wrong even when the situation looks grim and gloomy.

Writing down the promises is like sending text messages and our passionate prayers are our talk-time chats with our best-mate Jesus.

Our ‘God and Me’ connection must always be on best-mate without any interruptions or distractions.

James 2:23  “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness,” and he was called God’s friend.

Prayer: Dearest Jesus, thank you for the priceless best-mate connection I have with you. Help me not to waste the talk-time and text-time by wallowing in my problems but to communicate with you instead. Amen.

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