13 August 2024 – Resolute Resilience – Part 2

Job 19:25-26 I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth. And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God.

Pruning is painful but pruning makes us more fruitful. Patient endurance will turn the agonizing experiences into profound divine encounters. Pruning trims pride, snips unhealthy emotions and severs unwholesome relationships.

Pruning a rose plant minimizes disease and allows the sunlight to penetrate into the newly growing shoots. Pruning maximizes flowering and fruiting as it opens the canopy for the sunlight to work through the plant. Similarly, when we go through pruning in our spiritual journey, it makes us vulnerable and transparent, exposing our inner man to the bright light of God’s truth. The way we endure a pruning process is the testimonial of our personal walk with the Lord. The covering is stripped and our true authentic self is exposed before the Lord and the world. Pruning proves our passion and promotes our purposeful living

Job went through severe pruning. From a beautiful rose bush full of flowers, colours and treasures he was pruned to a bare stick. The divine sickle had pruned him exposing him to the scorching daylight. But Job confidently said after losing his ten children, his business and his health; Even if he slays me, I will hope in him (Job 13:15a). Job’s friends who came to comfort him, wounded him further by accusing him. “Think now, who that was innocent ever perished? Or where were the upright cut off? (Job 4:7). They charged him with hidden sins that brought about the catastrophe in his life. Yet, when the trimming and pruning season was over, the Lord rebuked Job’s friends. Lord said to Eliphaz the Temanite: “My anger burns against you and against your two friends, for you have not spoken of me what is right (Job 42:7).  

“To learn strong faith is to endure great trials. I have learnt my faith by standing firm amid severe testing” – George Muller.

Resolute Resilience in Pruning:

1.         Flower: Pruning snips away all the flowers, flamboyance and frills. We might endure a phase of lowliness and loneliness but pruning isolates us in God’s presence and prepares us for the fruitfulness and abundance of fruitfulness for the next phase of our life. Let go of the flowers of the previous season to become more prolific and fruitful.   

2.         Cover: Pruning removes the excess leaves and the covering exposing the tender sticks and the stems. Allegorically, pruning exposes our innermost being and makes us vulnerable before the Almighty God however, it is in the vulnerability that our faith would become firm and our trust will become tenacious.    

3.         Power: Pruning makes us powerful, productive and prolific. A plant that is not pruned will become diseased, unhealthy and fruitless. No pruning – no power.  

Resolute resilience cannot be developed with cutting, severing and pruning. Pruning makes us powerful.   

Psalm 30:5, “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.”

Prayer: Precious Lord, take my hand and lead me on. I’m hurting, I’m tired and I’m worn from the pruning. Give me the patience to endure the pruning to become fruitful and powerful. Amen.

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