23 August 2024 – Offerings – Part 5

Leviticus 4:3 “‘If the anointed priest sins, bringing guilt on the people, he must bring to the Lord a young bull without defect as a sin offering for the sin he has committed”.

‘Sin Offering’ is one of the mandatory offerings as atonement for sins under the Mosaic covenant. Atonement is recompense or penitence. The blood of a sacrifice of a young bull, goat or lamb was poured at the base of the altar. The fat was removed and burnt on the altar but the body of the animal was burnt outside the camp. This is a profound poignant picture of the crucifixion of Jesus, (the perfect unblemished sin offering), sacrificed/crucified outside the city of Jerusalem. The cross put an end to this mandatory bloody animal sacrifice as Christ Jesus became the sin offering for humanity.

Much before the Mosaic Law, the first family on earth knew to bring blood sacrifice for the atonement of sins. Abel brought an acceptable sacrifice but Cain brought an arrogant unauthorized sacrifice. Cain’s sacrifice was probably flamboyant and colourful with the best of fruits and vegetables but the Lord rejected his sacrifice. Abel brought the best of his lamb.

We are not required to bring a young goat but our acceptable sacrifice would be to offer ourselves as ‘living sacrifices’. Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship (Romans 12:1). Offering the members of our body as a living sacrifice and reckoning ourselves to be dead to our carnal desires is the acceptable sin offering that we must offer every day. Unlike Abel’s sacrifice that was dead, our bodies are the living sacrifice.

The powerful deliverance evangelist Kathryn Kuhlman said, “I died a thousand deaths, so that you would not hear the words of Kathryn Kuhlman, but rather hear the words of God.” She would offer her intentions, actions and contentions until she was dead to her ‘self’ and was alive in Him.       

Sin Offerings:

1.         Acceptable: Acceptable sacrifice is to surrender ourselves completely to the Lord. Those who hold back foul habits, wrong thinking patterns and find excuses in weaknesses are like Cain. Their sacrifice might look splendid and prayers superfluous yet it would be unauthorized and unacceptable.

2.         Admirable: Admirable sacrifice is total submission to God’s will. And Abel also brought an offering—fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock. The LORD looked with favor on Abel and his offering (Genesis 4:4). Fat portions represent our personal achievements, ego and pride that must be burnt on the altar. Lay all your accolades all on the altar.

3.         Authorized: Authorized sacrifices that will be accepted are the best and the first. Don’t give the last and the least of your time, energy and gifts to the Lord. Give the first and give your all.  

Present yourself as a living sacrifice day after day to die to self and sin. 

Romans 2:23 All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

Prayer: Dearest Lord Jesus, help me to let go and die to my selfishness and ego until I am alive with your purpose, perspectives and perceptions. Amen.

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