25 August 2024 – Offerings – Part 7

Genesis 22:2 Then God said, “Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.”

A burnt offering in the Mosaic Law was a bull, a sheep, a goat, a dove or a pigeon with no defect that was killed at the entrance of the tabernacle and burnt on the altar overnight. The priest is to burn all of it on the altar (Leviticus 1:9a). A burnt offering is normally given as an atonement of sins with a plea to renew their relationship with the Lord (Job 1:5).

The Lord God instructed Abraham to offer not the first and best of his bull, sheep or goat but his only dear son of promise, Isaac, for whom he waited for over 25 years. Abraham did not have the Mosaic Law, he received his direction to offer his son directly from the Lord. The command was a ‘big ask’ but it was a test of trust. This was not only a test of his faith but also a test of his reverential fear, fervent commitment and his faithfulness to the Lord God. “Do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son.” (vs 12b). Fear of the Lord is the reverential fear of deep respect and love to God’s sovereign authority over our lives. Reverential fear would enable us to refrain from sinful lifestyle, not because we are afraid of God, but because we desire to please Him. Reverential fear will empower us to walk in integrity.

The test of Abraham was to build a table of trust, tenacity and truth and to surrender what was most precious to him. 

Burnt Offerings:

1.         Table of Trust: The transaction on the table of trust is the transfer of control from our hands to His. The Lord may ask us to leave our most precious people or possessions on the altar. Our surrender will prove if we love the “gifts” or the “Giver” more. It validates the depth of our love for the Saviour. Build a table of trust and let go of control into God’s hands.  

2.         Table of Tenacity: Abraham built the altar with his own hands, bound his only begotten son and laid him on the altar. This was a test of tenacity. The trial is not the time to cringe and cower. It is a time to prove our tenacity to keep functioning and fulfilling our God given calling and purpose. 

3.         Table of Truth: Abraham believed that God can raise Isaac from the ashes of the altar of sacrifice. Abraham reasoned that God could raise the dead (Hebrews 11:19). The test will prove the truth of God’s might and power to the world. It is not a table of tribulation but a table of truth.

Our dearest possession is the best and the most acceptable offering. 

Genesis 22:12a “Do not lay a hand on the boy,” He said.

Prayer: Dearest Lord Jesus, give me the heart to lay on the altar my most beloved, choicest and cherished blessings and trust you that you are the God of resurrection and life. Amen.

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