29 August 2024 – Metabolism – Part 4

Revelation 3:15-16 I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.

 A slow metabolism is when our body cannot convert food into energy as quickly and as efficiently as it should. The body burns fewer calories and stores more fat in the body. This could lead to weight gain, fatigue, and various health problems. Lethargy, chronic fatigue and always feeling tired even after a good night’s sleep clearly indicate a slow metabolism.

Spiritual metabolism is the conversation rate of spiritual food into strength, energy and enthusiasm. It is the maturity to eat the meat and spit the bones. It is the discernment to decipher right from wrong and truth from lies. Our spiritual metabolism is very fast when we are quick to listen, learn and leverage. However, when our listening is poor and our learning, changing and correcting are slow then our spiritual metabolism is slow. The desire to grow deeper in the Lord is apathetic and there is no fire in the fervor. The Lord says that He will reject lukewarm worshippers.

As fast metabolism builds muscles and pumps energy into our body, spiritual metabolism builds our spiritual substratum and energizes growth in the Lord. We will never be complacent with what we have done or achieved. We will be purpose driven, passionate and prudent. Plodding to church, losing passion to study the word of God, or an indifference to serve is a clear indication that our spiritual metabolism has slowed down. ‘Slow spiritual metabolism’ will suck the passion out of prayer and enthusiasm out of evangelism. Spiritual sluggishness is a clear sign of slow spiritual metabolism.   

Boost Spiritual Metabolism:

1.         Ingest: Intake fat-burning foods such as fish, lean meat, beans, broccoli and oatmeal to increase metabolism. Similarly, reading the word of God and ruminating on it day and night will accelerate spiritual growth. Write, record and revisit the scriptures until it sinks into the heart. Make intentional changes to speed-up your spiritual metabolism. Do what you don’t feel like doing like reading the scriptures for an extended period of time, memorizing and writing down scriptures.  

2.         Congest: Metabolic congestion syndrome is a cluster of conditions that increases risk of heart disease, stroke and type-2 diabetes. Those who are unteachable, rigid and stuck in their ways suffer from spiritual metabolic congestion syndrome. Change starts in the mind. Being open to correction and modest to accept mistakes will reverse spiritual metabolic congestion syndrome.  

3.         Digest: The process of digestion is breaking down food for the body to use as energy. Similarly, we must put into action the revelation or correction to speed up our spiritual metabolism. Digestion is as important as ingestion. Make cautious changes to actions and reactions.

Reject comfort food that slows down metabolism and ingest and digest solid spiritual food to speed-up spiritual metabolism. 

Colossians 2:7 Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.

Prayer: Abba Father, coach my spiritual metabolism to speed up so I can ingest, digest and action your Word. Amen.

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