12 September 2024 – Questions – Part 4

John 14:5 Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?”

Doubtful questions arise in a discombobulated mind. Doubt is the confusion of the mind between what you believe and the reality you see and witness. The gap between the truth and facts causes stress and cognitive dissonance. Psychologists define doubt as “the feeling of psychological discomfort produced by the combined presence of two thoughts that do not follow from one another.” Doubtful questions are grey monsters causing chaos in the brain. A war in the mind is caused by cognitive dissonance.

Jesus spoke about the ‘Kingdom of God’ over 125 times. He educated the disciples about the eternal kingdom however they waited for Jesus to overthrow the Romans and establish an earthly kingdom. The transformation of their thinking from ‘carnal minded followers’ to ‘eternal focus disciples’ was at snail’s pace. The disciple understood a big chunk of what Jesus taught them only after His death and resurrection. Disciples like ‘Doubting Thomas’ suffered from cognitive dissonance even though they witnessed the power of God flowing through Jesus. After hearing all the preaching about heaven and the eternal kingdom, Thomas expresses his doubt in a plain question to Jesus – “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?”

We suffer from cognitive dissonance and allow the grey monsters of doubt to war within our mind as we are torn between facts and faith. Faith says that we are healed by His stripes but fact remains that we are still suffering in our physical body. Faith says with God all things are possible but facts tell us a different story! When the mind is confused and torn between the sovereignty of God and reality of the earth, defeat the grey monster of doubt. Don’t let grey monsters question ‘God’s everlasting love, His omnipotence or His unending mercy’.

Doubtful Questions:

1.         Darkness: The darkness of the unknown provokes doubtful questions. God will never give us the details of the journey. He will show us the destiny but not every step of the trajectory. In the darkness hold on to His promises; He is a Promise Keeper.

2.         Dissonance: Cognitive dissonance and confusion between faith and fact is the reality we live in. The grey monsters will tell us that our faith is a façade and there is no one listening to our prayers. Reiterate the creed and speak out aloud, “I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth” (Job 19:25).

3.         Destiny: Keep your eyes on the destiny. If He says that He will take us to the other side, the storm cannot drown us in the middle of the raging sea.   

Doubtful questions arise from a confused mind that is battling between the sovereignty of God and the reality of the world. Shoot down the grey monsters of doubt with faith statements and declarations.

John 20:29 Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

Prayer: Father God, help me to overcome unbelief, doubt and cognitive dissonance and trust you through the dark unknown. Amen.

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