14 September 2024 – Questions – Part 6

John 18:38 “What is truth?” retorted Pilate. With this he went out again to the Jews gathered there and said, “I find no basis for a charge against him.

Objective questions reveal facts and help us to determine right from wrong, true from false. Jesus answered the crude or confused questions with objective questions. Objective questions are intriguing questions that make us think deeper and not at the superficial or emotional level. They probe deeper into the problem. Objective questions will enable us to make correct and fair judgement without being influenced by feelings or personal beliefs. Objective questions expose the truth.

Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea, during the crucifixion of Jesus, was curious to know the truth. He asked a poignant question to Jesus. Jesus told Him that He was a King and that He was born into the world to preach the truth to which Pilate retorted “What is truth?” However, Pilate did not wait for Jesus to answer his question.

“Truth is God’s perspective on any matter.”

We find ourselves in Pilate’s shoes many times. We ask hard and objective questions but never wait for the truth to be revealed. Truth is not influenced by our emotions, commotions or inhibitions. Truth does not take sides, it is not biased, prejudice or judgemental. Truth is God’s view, God’s thoughts and God’s way.

“What is truth?” is a very important question that we must ask ourselves when we are angry, upset, confused or disappointed. Erratic emotions can baffle the mind with confusing questions. Dissect the truth and decipher the problem by asking objective questions. What triggered the argument? What is the root cause of the anger or argument? Emotions are only reactions to pain or hurt but objective questions will calm the emotions and reveal the hard truth to us.

Objective Questions:

1.         Commotion: Pilate asked the right questions but did not wait for the answer. In a chaotic commotion or discord don’t be carried away by angry words or slur comments. Words are only emotional expressions that can bury the truth. Get to the root of the problem.

2.         Confusion: In the midst of confusion, get to the truth. Dwell on God’s perspective on the matter. Ask yourself what would Jesus do and do the same. Jesus resisted the devil with the Word of God. The truth is hidden in God’s Word. Stop the discourse and go back to the truth, the Bible. The truth will set us free from clamour and confusion.   

3.         Conclusion: Objective questions help us to make the right decision and conclusion. Pilate asked an objective question but did not wait for the answer before making his decision. Don’t be emotionally driven. Ask objective questions that reveal the truth.      

Objective questions divulge the truth. Truth is ‘God’s perspective’, ‘God’s view’ and ‘God’s will’ about any issue. The Bible is the Book of Truth. Ask yourself objective questions and discover the truth from God’s Word.

John 8:32 “And you will know the truth, and that truth will set you free.”

Prayer: Father God, help me not to be emotionally driven but to be composed in chaotic commotions or confusions to understand your perspective, the truth, in the situation. Amen.

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