15 September 2024 – Questions – Part 7

Genesis 3:9 The LORD God called out to the man and asked, “Where are you?”

When the Lord God asks us a question, it is not the case that He does not know the answer. It is a rhetorical question to make us realize our limitations, inhibitions and impudence. Jesus asked 307 questions in the Gospels! His questions were intriguing and decisive to correct religiosity, legalism and hypocrisy. His questions exposed the adamance, arrogance and insolence of the people.

The Lord God did not ask Adam “Where are you?” because He could not see them. His question exposed the sin that made them hide. Similarly, The LORD asked Cain, “Where is your brother Abel?” (Genesis 4:9). The Lord asked Cain about Abel not because He could not find him. His questions are to make us confess our inadequacy, shortcomings and weaknesses. His questions are to make us realize our dependence on Him. There is nothing hidden from the Lord, but unless He poses the right questions, our mind would fail to even think about our failures or helplessness.

When we are stuck in a situation, there will be a nudging question in our heart “Why am I here?” or “Why am I not able to move forward?” This is the voice of the Holy Spirit to unearth the sin or flaw hidden in the crevices of our heart that must be surrendered. If there is a prodding questions echoing in our heart, “Why is this happening to me over and over again?” then, there is a lesson that the Lord is trying to teach us that we are ignoring. The Lord made the Israelites wander in the wilderness for 40 years to prepare them for the Promised Land. Don’t ignore the goading questions and the impressions of the heart. They are God’s decisive and intriguing questions to take us to the next level.

Decisive Questions:

1.         Challenge: God’s voice is the deep impressions in the heart that challenges us. “Simon, are you asleep? Could you not watch one hour?” (Mark 14:37). The Lord will challenge us about our inconsistency in prayer life and godly disciplines. Don’t ignore the challenge.   

2.         Change: God’s questions are not to shame us but to bring about the changes that will qualify us for the blessing. “But Who do you say that I am?” (Luke 9:20). Confession brings changes in our spirit. The more we confess His omnipotence, the more power we will experience in our daily lives. 

3.         Choice: God’s questions are to help us to make the right choices. He will check our veracity before granting our request. “Do you want to be healed?” (John 5:6). Many live in their dysfunction and enjoy nursing their wounds and pampering their malfunction. God’s voice and decisive questions will help us to make the right choice and deliver us from our flaws, failures and dysfunctions.

The Holy Spirit does not repeat Himself to infuriate or shame us but to help us to grow through the challenge, make the right choices and the necessary changes.

Matthew 14:31b “Why do you doubt?”

Prayer: Dearest Lord Jesus, when you pose questions at me, help me to be sensitive to the decisive questions and respond to your nudging. Amen.

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