19 September 2024 – Emotional Wellness – Part 4

2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Fear is the survival instinct programmed in our nervous system in order to keep us safe. However, fear becomes harmful when it makes us more cautious than we should be. Threatening fear can increase the stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline in our body. Fear can make our brain foggy and chronic fear can cause many other physical and psychological issues. Obsessive fear makes us anxious; fear that steals our sleep or our joy is an unhealthy emotion. It becomes demonic when fear controls our thoughts, visions, and outlook on life.

Paul trained the young intern Timothy to become a bold and audacious preacher like him. Timothy’s cultural background and upbringing could have adversely affected his character development in his formative years. He had a Greek father and a Jewish mother. We don’t know much about his father’s involvement in his upbringing but it appears that he was raised by women, his grandmother Eunice and his mother Lois. Timothy was timid in the early years of discipleship under Paul the Apostle. Paul addresses the fear issue as a demonic oppressive spirit – the spirit of fear. Debilitating fear can lead to emotional distress, anxiety disorders, social withdrawal symptoms, panic attacks and chronic stress. Fear of loss, rejection, crowds, criticism, and change; fear of the future or the unknown can become compulsive and chains us down to poor behaviour patterns. Such excessive and oppressive fear is an evil spirit that has to be driven out. We cannot just pray for the evil spirit to leave and sit back. We must authoritatively and forcefully command the spirit of timidity, anxiety and negativity to leave. The kingdom of heaven has suffered violence, and the violent take it by force (Matthew 11:12).  

Emotional Wellbeing and the Spirit of Fear:

1.         Obsessive: Obsessive or compulsive actions are controlled by fear. Uncontrollable addictive habits, gluttony or any other actions that are obsessive are demonic. Most compulsive habits begin to mask the tormenting spirit of fear or rejection.   

2.         Oppressive: Demeaning thoughts about ourselves or about others, low self-esteem, violence, suicidal thoughts are incited by the spirit of fear. Living in fear is one of the main causes of depression or repressive behavior. 

3.         Overaggressive: Overaggressive behaviour such as rage, violence, hostility, antagonism, forceful or brutal actions or reactions, verbal or non-verbal towards others is caused by broken emotional bridges. To build the broken emotional bridges, follow the golden rule. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” (Matthew 7:12). Practice empathy, acceptance and gratitude. Building emotional bridges that have broken down by fear takes time. Build it on forgiveness, love and compassion.

Spirit of Fear is a fiendish emotion that will bulldoze our emotional wellbeing. Drive out the spirit of fear and build or repair emotional bridges.

Isaiah 54:4a “Do not be afraid; you will not be put to shame. Do not fear disgrace; you will not be humiliated.

Prayer: Almighty God, nothing can intimidate me when you are on my side. Give me the tenacity to stand against the spirit of fear and drive it out. Amen.

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