24 September 2024 – The Divine Workshop – Part 2

Genesis 1:6-7 And God said, “Let there be a vault between the waters to separate water from water.” So God made the vault and separated the water under the vault from the water above it. And it was so.

The Weekly News from the Divine Workshop.

The creation and renovation continued in the Divine Workshop on God’s second day. The Lord God separated the chaotic water expanse and created a vault between the waters. The roof or vault was called the beautiful blue sky! The waters were divided to form the arched roof called “the Sky”. Between the sky and the earth an immense gaseous belt of atmosphere surrounding the earth was formed. The Lord God was in the process of building a greenhouse in the Milky Way, suitable for life to thrive. The blueprint in the divine workshop was to create a ‘glasshouse’ for humans, animals and plant life to boom.

The Lord creates, transforms, reforms, and performs miracles even today. When He spoke, the chaotic water mass divided to form an arched roof above the earth, separating the heavens and the earth. Likewise His Word is the light that separates right from wrong. Ungodly ties, unequal yokes and connections will be severed as His Word permeates deeper and deeper into our heart. Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? (2 Corinthians 6:14). As the atmospheric gases surrounded the earth, so will His presence, power and purity surround us. Separation, severance and purging are painful yet are essential to make us fruitful. The creative power of God continues as He reshapes and reforms us inside out.

Creation in the divine workshop did not stop with Genesis 1; His creative power still creates, transforms, reforms and performs miracles.

The Divine Workshop:

1.         Decipher: Separation happens before severance. The same friends, entertainment and conversations will begin to make us uncomfortable and out of place as God’s shaping hands start working on us. His Word will be like a sharp sword that deciphers right from wrong. I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you (Psalm 119:11). The Divine Workshop will sever good from bad and decipher the worthless from the valuable in the process of reshaping us.

2.         Dimension: God’s Word is our mandate that marks the dimensions of our boundaries. Safe boundaries in relationships, boundaries with conversations, restrictions with our thoughts are necessary to transform us like Jesus. We cannot verbalize all that we feel. If we have no control over our tongue and are dragged by emotions and feelings, we are still work-in-progress. The divine workshop will set the dimensions of safe boundaries.     

3.         Demarcation: The Divine Workshop will define what desecrates and defiles and uproot everything that causes chaos in our lives.     

We are work-in-progress in the Divine Workshop. There are no inborn habits that cannot be refined and no innate character that cannot be reformed and reshaped in the Divine Workshop.

Psalm 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a right and steadfast spirit within me.

Prayer: Divine Daddy, I totally surrender to be reshaped, refined and reformed by your divine workshop to become like you.  Amen.

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