05 October 2024 – Times Two – Part 6

Luke 5:5-6 Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.” When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break.

Faith is the currency that exchanges double for our trouble. Faith is to take God’s Word as the ultimate truth. Faith is to believe that if God has spoken it is done. Faith facilitates the divine transactions to receive double for our trouble. And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek him (Hebrews 11:6). Faith is the thrust that elevates us from the natural into the supernatural to enjoy the miraculous.

Simon Peter’s first encounter with the Saviour was when he was at the rock bottom emotionally. The experienced fisherman had toiled all night but had caught nothing. Not even a couple of fishes for his wife to fry. No fish, no business and no money. While Simon and his mates were washing their dirty nets, Jesus used the empty boat to preach. After preaching, Jesus advised them to go back into the sea just as they were drying their nets. Peter took the advice of the Miracle Working Carpenter seriously.

Fish swim in shallow waters at night to hunt for food and they come up to the water surface when oxygen levels drop at night, but during the day, fish plummet into deep waters. Jesus commanded Peter to go back and fish in the heat of the day. Even a dumb fisherman would know better but Peter’s faith was richly rewarded. Faith in the boat drew the fishes toward the net and Peter signaled to his partners for the second boat. They caught until their nets were bursting with fish and their boats were about to sink!

Jesus spoke to the fisherman Peter in the language that he could understand. The big catch spoke to him more than the sermon he had just heard. Faith in God’s Word unfurled a double blessing. 


1.         Bout: Bouts of unbelief are inevitable. There are demons employed just to sting us with bouts of doubt. They work relentlessly 24/7 to shoot arrows of doubt. Hold up the shield of faith.

2.         Boat: Faith filled two boats until they began to sink. Our life boat will overflow with blessings untold as long as faith is in the boat. No faith – no rewards.   

3.         Believe: Believing the impossible, when the reality seems impassable and unreachable, unlocks double rewards. Believing that God exists beyond reality and trusting in His sovereignty will yield a double portion reward.   

Faith believes that God is bigger than the reality and the rational and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Faith fills our boat with double portion blessings.

Luke 5:7 So they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink.

Prayer: Jesus my Saviour, I will defeat the bouts of doubt and believe that you will reward those who earnestly seek you with ‘Times Two’ blessings. Amen.

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