James 3:2 We all stumble in many ways. Anyone who is never at fault in what they say is perfect, able to keep their whole body in check.
“We need to think of our tongue as a messenger that runs errands for our heart. Our words reveal our character” – Chuck Swindoll.
Our tongue reveals our heart. If our tongue is pure, sincere and grateful our mind and heart will be clean, truthful and grateful. On the contrary, a complaining tongue reveals an ungrateful heart; a harsh tongue reveals an angry heart; a negative tongue reveals a fearful heart; a boasting tongue reveals an insecure heart; a judgemental tongue reveals a guilty heart, and a critical tongue reveals a bitter heart. The words we speak reveal the depth of our heart and the thoughts of our mind.
The tongue is powerless on its own. It only speaks what the mind thinks. The speed at which the brain thinks and conveys it to the tongue to speak is about 600 milliseconds. This mind-tongue connection is called the ‘mind-mouth motorway’.
The tongue seems to speak seamlessly but when we speak the mind-mouth motorway is busy transmitting signals at an unbelievable speed. Our heart will believe what the mind meditates and the tongue repeats. So the meditations of the mind make deposits in our heart. For example, if we are upset about an incident/insult, the more we mull over it in our mind, the more irritated we will become and will unconsciously deposit layers of resentment and bitterness in our heart. On the other hand, ‘thankfulness’ deposits loads of peace, joy and gratitude in our heart. Our mouth will only speak the thoughts that we constantly meditate on and our meditations are stored as memories in the heart. Hence, an angry mind makes the heart bitter and the tongue harsh, while a grateful mind makes the heart kind and the tongue pleasant. Much before a psychologist came up with the mind-tongue motorway theory, Jesus said, “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks” (Luke 6:45a).
Bridle the mind-tongue motorway:
1. Millhouse: Our mind is our millhouse where our thoughts are crushed and ground. An average person thinks about 60,000 thoughts per day. The thoughts we mull over translate into words we speak, and the thoughts that we believe shape our faith.
2. Motorway: The mind-tongue motorway is busy day and night but it needs to be regulated with rules and regulations. If not, the tongue will blurt out all that the mind thinks. Have stringent rules for your mind-mouth motorway.
3. Money-Chest: The heart is like the money-chest that stores what we believe is precious and valuable. Guard the heart from hoarding junk. Examine your heart often to get rid of clutter. Bad memories of insults, abuse or unforgiveness have no room in the heart. Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it (Proverbs 4:23).
Bridling the tongue regulates the mind-mouth motorway from speaking harsh, manipulative or deceptive words.
Proverbs 15:1 A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.
Prayer: Dearest Holy Spirit, tighten the rules to regulate my mind-mouth motorway to speak gently, lovingly and truthfully. Amen.
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