14 October 2024 – Associations & Affinities – Part 1

Genesis 26:2 The LORD appeared to Isaac and said, “Do not go down to Egypt; live in the land where I tell you to live.

“One of the most expensive things you could ever do is pay attention to the wrong people” – Dr. Henry Cloud

Choosing our associations and affinities sets the stone for our success or failure. Wrong company and corrupt environments will directly or indirectly influence our attitude and morph us into compromise and complacency. Good seeds planted in bad soil will die; likewise, bad seeds in good soil will not be productive. We must be in the world but not of the world. They are not of the world, even as I am not of it (John 17:16). Association with the world opens the door for unhealthy ideas. Affinity to ungodliness opens the door for worldliness to invade our perceptions. Worldliness is being preoccupied with what we feel, think or desire. It is being influenced by the culture and the environment that we live in without evaluating it under the light of the scriptures. Unguarded worldviews will influence and damage our spiritual standards.

When there was a famine in the land, Isaac’s eyes looked for greener pastures. The Lord saw the intent of his heart to go to Egypt and stopped him. He told Isaac to stay put in the land that he would show him. Isaac was going to do the same mistake that his father Abraham did (Genesis 12:10-20). Abraham almost lost his wife Sarah while they were in Egypt. Abraham influenced her to lie that she was his sister and hence she was taken by the Pharaoh into the harem. The Lord had to intervene and deliver her however; it was in Egypt that Abraham acquired male and female servants, including Hagar. Abram acquired sheep and cattle, male and female donkeys, male and female servants, and camels (Genesis 12:16b). The wrong choice of place brought ungodly associations and left a permanent dent in his faith journey. Abraham made a costly mistake of birthing Ishmael through Hagar. Erroneous association resulted in irreversible damage. Hence the Lord put a stop to Isaac who was going to make the same mistake.

Hate no one, but choose your friendships and associations. If we are not able to influence the people we are associated with and if they are able to invade our personal life and infect us, then, it is time to change our environment.     

Choose your environment:

1.         Choose: Choose your friends, associations and fellowships. Environment plays a vital role in our growth and in shaping our future.  

2.         Connect: Carefully choose your friends with whom you share your problems and sensitive issues.  The standard of the world is far from the standard of the Lord.

3.         Costly: Choices have consequences. Wrong choices can be costly and have a lasting impact.

Bad company and corrupt culture will stunt or even kill growth.

1 Corinthians 15:33 Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.”

Prayer: Father God, show me to live in this world without being corrupted by it. Help me to live a life that will set the godly standards to people around me. Amen.

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