17 October 2024 – Associations & Affinities – Part 4

Daniel 1:8 But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself this way.

“Tell me your friend and I’ll tell you who you are” – Spanish Proverb.

“Ghrelin” is the “hunger hormone” that communicates to our brain that we are hungry. Ghrelin is produced in the stomach, small intestine and pancreas and it is responsible for creating appetite and also controlling the amount of food we consume. Looking at delicious food rapidly releases the ghrelin in the stomach causing a spike in our appetite. This is why waiting in a restaurant makes people impatient as they watch and smell the scrumptious food being served and enjoyed around them. ‘Visible Stimuli’ increases the need for what we see.

Daniel was a young lad with astounding self-control and impressively high spiritual and moral standards. He had a guard over the ghrelin and was not enticed by the feast that was spread before him in Babylon. The visible stimuli did not affect his appetite.  His determination to live a holy life influenced his three friends Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah who also refused to defile themselves with the luxury and lavishness of Babylon. (Their Babylonian names were Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego). Our appetites are not controlled by ghrelin but by our affinities and associations.

The interests and hunger cravings of our friends and comrades will rub off on us. Most addicts would confess that the destructive habits that incarcerate them were learnt from wrong companionships. Foul friendships entangle people into futile habits such as gluttony, drinking, drugs, pornography, smoking, overspending or procrastination. What starts as an experience soon becomes a stronghold. It would be nearly impossible to reverse bad habits unless the wrong friendships are severed. Appetites for destructive habits are aroused by associations and affinities.

The same is true for good and godly habits and character traits. Daniel’s friends were influenced by the godliness and holiness of Daniel.   

Appetites, Addictions, Associations and Affinities:

1.         Friends: The noble character of Daniel made him an influential adviser to four kings and three kingdoms in the pagan foreign land and his friends who shared his passion were also promoted to high positions. Then the king promoted Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the province of Babylon (Daniel 3:30). The people you surround yourself with will determine your future, so choose friends who have healthy habits.

2.         Fervor: Our associations influence our fervor. Passions, good or bad, are fueled by friends. Companions feed the soul and body with healthy or unhealthy passions. Fuel and feed on fruitful passions.   

3.         Fidelity: Friendships influence our faith, family values and fidelity. Bad company can corrupt godly values, corrode purity and destroy our vision. Fiendish friendships flaw faithfulness. 

Friends, associations and affinities shape our character, career and consistency.

Daniel 1:17  To these four young men God gave knowledge and understanding of all kinds of literature and learning. And Daniel could understand visions and dreams of all kinds.

Prayer: Divine Saviour, teach me to take control of my ghrelin and my appetites to gravitate towards you and not away from you. I need godly guidance to shape my affinities and sever ungodly associations and affinities. Amen.

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