20 October 2024 – Associations & Affinities – Part 7

Acts 4:13 “Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated, common men, they were astonished. And they recognized that they had been with Jesus.”

“Character is like pregnancy, you can’t hide it forever” – African Proverb.

If we walk through a perfume factory we will carry the fragrance on us when we leave. If we walk through a pigsty we will walk out smelling like pigs. We would carry the aroma of those whom we value and spend time with. Good company corrects bad character and bad company corrupts good character. Our associations and affinities leave an aroma of sweet scent or an obnoxious stench on our character.

Character formation evolves over a long period of time especially during our formative years. Our environments, personal experiences and our relationships play a vital role in character development. However, our personality traits can be changed at any time in life by the people we associate with, the environments we are affiliated and attracted to.

The character traits of the disciples who were with Jesus for 3 ½ years went through a radical metamorphosis. The crowd recognized them as the disciples of Jesus. Their audacious faith and their boldness could not be missed. The throng noticed that they were much bigger on the inside than what they were on the outside. The uneducated commoners were powerful and influential. The anointing of Jesus was apparent and evident.

Those who spend time with the Lord cannot be hidden under a bushel. They will arise and shine. They need no advertisement or recommendation. God will put them on a pedestal and He will promote them to the pulpit to shine for Him. The world will see Jesus in them. The longer we spend time in His presence the more powerful and influential we will become. 

Our character will reflect our associations and affinities: 

1.         Environment: An environment of positivity will rub boldness into our character but pessimism and negativity will make us cynical and skeptical. Create a positive environment. ‘Be an encourager’.

2.         Educate: Be open to learn. The day we stop learning we die. Three years of training of the uneducated and unschooled disciples trained them into powerful preachers who turned the world right side up. Be intentional to educate yourself and grow every day.

3.         Engagement: Our engagements and relationships will morph our character overtime. Say ‘no’ to any company that corrupts character. Disengage with people who would mar and soil your Godly values, purity and holiness. We will smell like the people whom we rub shoulders with. Those who see us and hear us must witness that we have been with Jesus.

Friends and fellowship fashion our future and shape our character traits.

Soak in God’s presence to smell like King Jesus.

Acts 17:6 And when they could not find them, they dragged Jason and some of the brothers before the city authorities, shouting, “These men who have turned the world upside down have come here also.

Prayer: Dearest Lord Jesus, make me more and more like thee. Let the aroma of your love and goodness perforate into the dark world and let the world around me recognize you in me. Amen.

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