Genesis 4:5 But He had no regard for Cain and his offering. So Cain became very angry, and his countenance fell.
The human angry face is the “signaling function”; it exposes the person’s erratic emotional surge and the physical ability to fight. The human angry face communicates interpersonal hostility by lowering the eyebrows, widening the nose or pressing the lips to express the distress in the emotion. The extent of anger, aggression and animosity can normally be assessed by the expression on the face.
A study conducted by the Michigan State University concluded that we only use 12 muscles to smile but 47 muscles to frown. Smiling increases our level of positivity and triggers happiness. Repeated contraction of muscles between your eyebrows develops frown lines in the face. Smile more, frown less and remain young!
A certain amount of anger is necessary as a natural response to threats. However, someone with unresolved anger for long periods of time or frequent anger tantrums to get their way, is injurious to the physical and mental wellbeing of the individual, and to the people around them. In infants, an angry or agitated facial expression is used to seek attention. Many individuals do not grow out of the ‘attention-seeking syndrome’ and have an agitated-angry face when they are upset.
Cain’s anger was revealed in his angry aggressive facial expression. Cain’s facial expression explicitly exposed the aggression to fight and harm his brother. His antagonistic facial signals caught the attention of the Almighty. So the LORD said to Cain, “Why are you angry? And why has your countenance fallen? (Genesis 4:6). He had a cold long unhappy face and a disappointed and agitated expression. The counsel of the Almighty God did not change his heart as his spiritual ears were fuming with anger. Anger makes the heart callous.
An angry face is a signaling function:
1. Hearing: Research says that mismanagement of anger can affect our health and impair hearing. The same is true spiritually. Whoever is patient has great understanding, but one who is quick-tempered displays folly (Proverbs 14:29). Anger shuts our ears from listening to good counsel and to the still small voice of the Holy Spirit who speaks into our heart.
2. Happiness: An angry man is an unhappy man. Angry emotional turmoil within a person will keep them in the fight-or-flight mode. Such people are oversensitive and touchy. Make peace with the issue that is goading irritation and anger. “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” (Romans 12:19b). Surrender it to the Lord. Speak to your emotions and fury to calm down. Anger steals joy and happiness.
3. Health: Frequent and long periods of uncontrolled anger can cause anxiety issues, high blood pressure and headaches. A calm and peaceful and tranquil heart is life and health to the body (Proverbs 14:30a). Bottling up anger will turn into bitterness. Harboring stubborn resentment can significantly increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. A happy heart is a healthy heart.
Angry faces are a signaling function that the body is agitated and is in fight-or-flight mode.
Ecclesiastes 7:9b For anger is in the heart of fools.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, teach me to manage my emotion and expressions and help me to smile more and frown less. Amen.
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