Proverbs 22:24-25 Do not make friends with a hot-tempered person, do not associate with one easily angered, or you may learn their ways and get yourself ensnared.
Anger is a contagious emotion. If we are around a hot-tempered person who is irritable and snappy, our emotions will be influenced by them, if we are not extremely cautious and careful. Research says that negative emotions such as anger and depression are extremely contagious. Psychologist Dr. Henderson says that there is a phenomenon of the spontaneous spread of emotions and their related behaviors called “emotional contagion”. Humans are biologically designed to mirror each other’s feelings. Our brain has “mirror neurons” that activate to follow other people’s emotions.
Unfortunately, emotional contagions or mirror neurons are more susceptible to negative emotions such as anger than to positive emotions such as joy. It is very similar to a contagious virus. We catch the common cold and covid from other people but we don’t catch their good health. The Bible teaches us not to fellowship with a short tempered people unless we are strong enough to resist the emotional infection. If our mirror neurons and emotions are not trained and strong enough to resist, we will be influenced by the hot-tempered person.
Peter’s reflex reaction was an emotional contagion of the crowd that came to arrest Jesus with swords and clubs. The mirror neurons in his brain pushed him pull out his sword and imitate the action of the hateful crowd. Then Simon Peter having a sword drew it, and smote the high priest’s servant, and cut off his right ear (John 18:10). Anger, rage and resentment are contagious. Build emotional and spiritual immunity to resist negative antagonism.
Anger is a transmittable emotional contagion:
1. Mirror: Anger is quick to infect and swift to destroy our decorum, as it is extremely contagious. The mirror neurons copy and imitate the anger tantrums of others. So it is important to cautiously mirror Christ at all times and in all situations. See the furious friend or fuming fiend through the eyes of love and don’t react like them but mirror Jesus, your Superhero.
2. Mitigate: Smiling back at a frowning stranger or checkout operator will alleviate the irritation in the other person. Mitigate anger with a soft answer and a smile. Walk away from an angry atmosphere before you mirror the anger tantrums of the other person. Allow time to cool down the hot-tempered person before you speak. A smile enhances performance and mitigates hostility.
3. Mindset: Have a mindset of peace always. Sensitive matters can be discussed without stirring up anger if we have an attitude of peace and positivity. If we start a conversation by condemning and accusing the other person in our mind we will end up reflecting negative emotions. When the heat of the discussions goes up, pour the water of love before it turns into an angry argument.
Anger is an extremely contagious emotion. Resist the emotional contagion and do not allow the mirror neurons to be activated. Mirror Jesus always.
Proverbs 15:18 “A hot-tempered man stirs up strife, but he who is slow to anger quiets contention.”
Prayer: Jesus my Redeemer, coach me to not react to the emotional contagion but to mirror your nature always. Amen.
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