Matthew 19:27 Peter answered him, “We have left everything to follow you! What then will there be for us?”
“Discipleship means discipline!” – C S Lewis.
Changes are inevitable to a disciple. The transformation from a ‘listener’ to ‘learner’ would require change but to change from a ‘follower’ to a ‘disciple’ would warrant radical change. Discipleship is costly and would nudge us out of our comfort zone. But it is in the stretching that we grow, mature and transform into disciples. “The cost of discipleship is everything. The benefits of discipleship are everything else.” – Bill Clem.
The disciples of Jesus left everything to follow them. They left their lucrative business, homes, families and their comfort zone to sit under the feet of Jesus to reform and transform. They went through a crash course of 3 ½ years in the Divine Discipleship University under Rabbi Jesus. At the conclusion of the crash course, the unschooled, impetuous, illiterates were transformed into wise, prudent and anointed preachers and prophets. Now seeing the boldness of Peter and of John, and having understood that they are unschooled and ordinary men, they were astonished (Acts 4:13). The graduate discipleship program would require unlearning the carnal habits and relearning the spiritual principles.
We are not in a crash course like the disciples. We are on a life-long gradual discipleship degree. We must be enrolled, committed and disciplined to see spiritual progress. If positive change and spiritual growth is not evident in the past 10 years, 5 years or in the past year, we are not committed disciples. A disciple is open to learn, change and transform to the likeness of their Master Jesus. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me (Mark 11:29). The yoke helps the oxen to work together in pairs. Likewise, the analogy of a yoke teaches us to be paired with Jesus and walk and work with Him. When He slows down a disciple is sensitive to slow down and when He stops a disciple stops. The yoke also keeps us focused on the route without going astray. Discipleship requires disciplined dedication to the gradual discipleship growth program.
Discipleship means discipline:
1. Submit: Discipleship requires submission. Submission will break down stubbornness. Submission will stretch us outside our comfort zone. Submission will break us but will make us into a useful, anointed and honorable vessel for the Lord.
2. Sacrifice: Discipleship calls for sacrifice. God is a debtor to no one (Mark 10:29-30). We must sacrifice the earthly pleasures to be blessed with the heavenly blessings.
3. Separate: Discipleship would require separation. We must stop, shut and severe habits or relationships to advance in the school of divine discipleship. Severance would prune idolatry, bigotry and addictions away from us but will produce an abundant spiritual growth and emotional stability.
Are you registered in the gradual learning life-long discipleship program?
Discipleship requires submission, sacrifice and separation.
Mark 10:29-30a “Truly I tell you,” Jesus replied, “no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age.
Prayer: Father God, I’m willing to submit, sacrifice and separate myself to advance in the divine school of discipleship. Amen.
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