2 Timothy 3:15-17 You have been taught the holy Scriptures from childhood, and they have given you the wisdom to receive the salvation that comes by trusting in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
The Bible is our mandate that teaches us to live righteously, purposefully and fruitfully. It is not a set of commands of “dos and don’ts” that restrict us. It is a “Love Letter” from the Lord to protect us from the dangers of sinful and wayward living. Keep my commands and you will live; guard my teachings as the apple of your eye (Proverbs 7:2). The Bible teaches or imparts knowledge, instructions and warnings to understand right from wrong.
We have the free will to choose right from wrong but God’s voice, the Bible, is our only guide to help us to make the right choice. The Bible is not just our “Rule Book”, it is God’s Love Letter to teach, coach and guide us; to protect, prosper and promote us. If we read it dutifully we would have head knowledge but if we devour it diligently, as God’s Love Letter to us, we will be enlightened. We must read in a way that the Word dwells in us. Jesus looked at the Pharisees and the teachers of the Law who were very knowledgeable yet did not do as it says, “…nor does His word dwell in you, for you do not believe the one He sent” (John 5:38). The word was in their heads but did not dwell in their hearts.
Ask yourself 3 questions after you finish reading your Bible portion – a) what did I learn today b) how did it impact my thinking c) what is the practical application?
God’s Word teaches the way to live righteously, purposefully and fruitfully:
1. Dutifully: Reading the Bible as a duty would only make us ritualistic and religious. The Pharisees were dutiful. They memorized the scriptures and tied the scrolls of scriptures on their forehead and their arms but it was not imprinted in their hearts. Dutiful and ritualistic monotonous reading will only massage the Word of God to suit our convenience.
2. Diligently: Read the Bible diligently. Meticulous reading will impact our thinking patterns. Thinking in line with the scriptures will transform our mind to the likeness of the mind of Christ.
3. Desirably: Read until the Word dwells in you. Read until it gets into the fiber of your being. The Word of God must reside in our heart and become our second nature. Earnest reading and studying of the Word of God will change our natural response to align with God’s Word.
The Bible teaches us to live righteously, successfully and productively. Never, never, never neglect it.
Isaiah 34:16 Seek from the book of the LORD, and read: Not one of these will be missing; None will lack its mate. For His mouth has commanded, And His Spirit has gathered them.
Prayer: Dear Holy Spirit, I submit myself as a student to be taught by you. Teach me the way that I should go and change my thinking to align with the truth. Amen.
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