25 October 2020 – Prescription – Part 3

Leviticus 14:43a & 45 “If the defiling mold (fungus) reappears in the house after the stones.. 45 It must be torn down—its stones, timbers and all the plaster.

The allegory of ‘mold, fungus or leprosy’ in the Old Testament is ‘sin’ and the metaphor of ‘walls’ is ‘security, stronghold or safety’. The Israelites occupied the houses that were already built by the pagans who lived in the promised land. If they noticed a mold on their wall, it indicated sinful, demonic and wicked activity, hence the house had to be cleansed, scrapped, re-plastered or even rebuilt. We the New Testament Israelites must be very cautious to examine the walls of our soul. If our security, safety and stronghold is in our career, credentials and comrades there is spiritual infection in our soul. If the infection is superficial, it can be scrapped away and re-plastered. However, if the infection has caused hemorrhage in the heart, such as, infectious sinful walls of pride, profession or pantheon, the walls must be demolished and rebuilt.  

When David was driven out of the palace by his envious boss, King Saul, David lost the safety of his home, his position as the chief commander of Israel and his family (as he was married to Saul’s daughter). Overnight, the singer, solider and son-in-law of the King, became a wanderer in the wilderness like a popper. It was when the walls of security, safety and shelter was bulldozed that David started growing and maturing into his kingly and priestly anointing. David became a seasoned leader who was trained in the wilderness for almost 15 years before he became the greatest king of Israel. The walls of humility, buoyancy and integrity were built in the wilderness where the infectious walls of selfishness, unforgiveness and bitterness were broken down.    

The prescription for the infection of anguish, animosity and arrogance is in God’s Word:

1.     Anguish: Psalms 118:81 My soul faints with longing for your salvation, but I have put my hope in your word. Anguish is a result of repeated ruthless attack by the enemy causing excruciating pain in the soul. Anguish causes the fungus of unforgiveness, bitterness and resentment to grow on the walls of our souls against the offenders. David had good reasons to hate King Saul but he built walls of forgiveness and forbearance  which eventually elevated him to the throne.  

2.     Antagonism: Proverbs 25:28 Like a city that is broken into and without walls is a man who has no control over his spirit. Anger, resentment and hatred can infect the soul with spiritual leprosy. David did not allow unresolved anger to ruin his walls of love and loyalty. He even lamented when King Saul and Jonathan were killed in the war. Anger and antagonism will break the walls of self control and sanity.  

3.     Affluence: Proverbs 18:11 A rich man’s wealth is his strong city, and like a high wall in his own imagination. When wealth, riches and affluence becomes our safe haven, there is an infectious mold on the walls of our soul. The infection of affluence will cause smelly walls of pride and arrogance in the soul. The kingly robe and crown did not make him forget his shepherd’s staff. The King of Israel danced like a shepherd boy before the ark of the covenant.

The Lord permits cruel crooks like Saul to drive us into the wilderness of anguish and antagonism but He heals us with the medication of His Word. The loss of affluence is to teach us dependence on Him and heal us of the leprosy of arrogance.

Have you taken your prescription medicine today?

Isaiah 60:18b You shall call your walls Salvation, And your gates Praise.

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