27 October 2020 – Prescription – Part 5

1 Chronicles 4:9:  ‘Now Jabez was more honourable than his brothers, and his mother called his name Jabez (PAIN!), saying, ‘because I bore him in pain.’

The name Jabez means ‘pain’. It could have been that his birth was very painful and the circumstances that he was born into was pitiful. However, it was very discouraging to be called PAIN. Jabez carried the stigma of his fate in his name, however he took the prescription from the Word of God, to heal from the shame, stigma and suffering of past.  1 Chronicles 4:10 Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, “Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.” And God granted his request.  Jabez did not just change his name. He prayed for a prescription to treat the root cause that gave him that name.

If we treat all pain with panadol we are only be fire fighting. The underlying driving force of the dysfunction that is causing the malfunction must be treated. Failing doesn’t make us a failure, neither does mistakes make us a mistake. All our spiritual diseases and dysfunctions can be treated with the word of God. Jabez went to Dr. Jesus to treat the root of rejection. Rather than complaining about the pain, let us allow the Lord to diagnose the root cause of the dysfunction and treat the spiritual destruction. Drugs, drinks and discos are only temporary fixes to the disease of the soul. Only the word of God will heal the dysfunction of the heart.   

The prescription for the dysfunction, disappointments and disqualifications is in the Word of God:

1.     Enlarge: Jabez prayed, Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! His birth and his past had restricted the growth of Jabez. We might not be born into an elite family, we might not have inherited a fortune and we might have made some silly mistakes that has shrunk our growth; take heart and come to Dr. Jesus for a prescription to heal the dysfunction of rejection, restriction and reduction. He will not only change the name tag but will also enlarge the territory, tapestry and trajectory.

2.     Encircle: Jabez cried, Let your hand be with me. Jabez had no control over the pain he had  inflicted on himself and those around him. There was a sense of disgrace, dishonour and disfavour that surrounded him. He carried misfortune in his backpack which he could not shrug off. Jabez prayed for the favour of God to encircle him. The hand of God upon his life changed the problems into providence. If adversity, accidents and afflictions follow you, come to Dr. Jesus for a prescription and His presence to encircle you.  

3.     Empower: Jabez pleaded, “Provide your personal protection—don’t let evil hurt me”(MSG). Has there been a pattern of hurt, harm and hindrances in your life?  Have you had repeated accidents or has favour slipped away from your hands time and again? Do you seem to be in the wrong place at the wrong time? Or do you have near misses of opportunities? Plead for personal protection! Come to Dr. Jesus to preserve you from mishap and misfortunes.  

Jabez was born into dysfunction and grew up with disgrace but he did not allow his dysfunction to debilitate his life. We don’t have to allow our brokenness break us. There is nothing that Dr. Jesus cannot fix. He will rename, redecorate and rebuild us.

Have you taken your prescription medicine today?

1 Chronicles 4:9a:  ‘Now Jabez was more honourable than his brothers.

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