15 Nov 2020 – Tug of War – Part 1

2 Corinthians 10:5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to.

Spiritual battles start in the mind. Our battles are not with flesh and blood (people) but with the flesh (our mind). Before the ripple of the battle gets fiercer by encountering authorities, principalities and the dark forces of the high places, it must be won in our mind. There is a constant tug of war between two foxes, good and evil; righteousness and wickedness; holiness and griminess. The first battle is with the “voice of accusation” that constantly condemns, criticises and confuses us. A serene start of a bright sunny morning can be attacked by the voice of accusation that will throw the dirt of shame, guilt or condemnation. If entertained, this voice will go on to prove that we are less than others, we can never be good enough and that we are eternally doomed. Voices such as “this will never change”, “it’s all my fault”, “you are too far for redemption” will start resounding in our mind.  This voice of accusation must be taken captive, arrested and silenced.

Our mind is a gateway for the demons to enter and attack us spiritually. Accusations, allegations and misinterpretations are demon’s tools to find a foothold in our mind. These voices will have the same effect of a foul smelling indigestion reflux. Gideon entertained this voice long enough to believe that God is not with them nor does He love or protect them.  Judges 6:13 Gideon replied, “but if the Lord is with us, why has all this happened to us?” This voice will make us believe that God is not with us; that He has abandoned us and that we have no hope of recovery.  

Three simple steps to win the voice of accusation in our mind:

1.     Deactivate: The lying demons repeat lies to create an illusion of truth.  If we entertain this voice of accusation, we will start believing the lies of the devil. Deactivate the voices that talk gibberish and garbage which is contrary to the promise of God and debases His promises. Deactivate the voice that humiliates, shames and discredits and activate the voice of the Holy Spirit. Spend more time reading the Word to increase the volume on the voice of the Holy Spirit and to silence the accuser.

2.     Desensitize: The process of desensitizing religious confusion is to extinguish an emotional reaction such as fear, anxiety, guilt or shame. Compulsive emotional reactions are a result of engaging with obsessive and exaggerated demonic voices. Demons will call a mole, mountain and a callus, cancer! Desensitize any voice that brings demonic distress and heaviness on your mind. The only sanitizer that will disinfect our mind is the Word of God.  

3.     Demolish: Lying accusing demons will drop seeds of doubt to question the integrity, authority and authenticity of God’s Word. Thoughts such as, “The Holy Bible is not applicable to the modern day millennial problems” is a lie from the pit of hell. Demolish arguments that are contrary to the promises of God. Demolish arguments of sickness and trust in the promises of healing; demolish the seed of pretension, fabrication and fallacy and stand firm on reconciliation, restoration and restitution. Bulldoze and demolish negative voices with the promises of God.

We must actively and attentively silence the voice of accusation; demolish demeaning arguments and reverse pretension that condemns, humiliates and shames. Remember the Holy Spirit will never condemn. He will only gently convict and lovingly nudge us close to Him. Place a special security guard over the gateway of the mind.  Deactivate, desensitize and demolish.

2 Corinthians 10:5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to.

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