16 Nov 2020 – Tug of War – Part 2

John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.

Spiritual battles begin with the voices we hear with our spiritual ears as well as our physical ears. Other than our own voice there are three other voices we hear – secular voice, satanic voice and the voice of the Saviour. One of the frequent questions asked in the religious circle is, “how do we distinguish the voice of the Master from the voice of the marauder?” The answer is very simple. The more time we spend talking to Him, the better we will know Him. When our spouse or our best mate calls, we don’t have to see the display on the screen to recognise their voice. Hearing the voice of God is all about connectivity. If the connectivity is excellent, we will hear the still small voice of the Saviour clearly.

King Saul entertained the satanic voice of insecurity and envy and was trapped in fear and excessive obsession. He was gripped with an over exaggerated demonic imaginary fear. Fear has a large shadow, but he himself is small – Ruth Gendler.    Statistics have proved that 97% of the things we worry about don’t even happen. To discern the noise of the deceiver and differentiate it from the voice of the Master is the second battle that we must win. Once we learn to distinguish the voices and the noises we are on our way to victory.  

The tug of war between the voices and noises in our mind:

1.     Satanic Vice: Satanic vice is  more easily identifiable than the secular noises. This voice will be exactly opposite to what the Holy Spirit will say. When the Holy Spirit speaks victory, satan speaks defeat; Holy Spirit speaks elevation, satan injects rejection; Holy Spirit speaks godliness, satan poisons us with worldliness. Satanic voice will be discouraging, demeaning and destructive.  He will use the vocal cords of caretakers, managers and leaders to resound disparaging comments and opinions. When Jesus was fulfilling His purpose on the cross, there were humiliating voices that rang in His ears, “He saved others; He cannot save Himself” (Matthew 27:42).

2.     Secular Noise: The secular noise is a lot more subtle to distinguish from the spiritual. Secular voice would compel us to remain silent when we have to speak or pressurise us to compromise. Secular voices would drag us to soft peddle the truth and ignore dishonesty. Secular voice would say, bribe, backbiting and betrayal is inevitable in a corrupt society. Jesus healed a man who was born blind in John chapter 9 but his parents refused to testify in fear of  becoming outcasts in the Jewish society. John 9:21 Ask him. He is of age; he will speak for himself. Secular noise will manipulate us to go with the crowd, curve in and compromise to avoid confrontation.  

3.     Saviour’s Voice: Our dear Saviour’s voice will speak life, wholeness and blessing in the place of deadness, brokenness and hopelessness. The Lord led Prophet Ezekiel to the valley of the dry bones to speak life. Ezekiel 37:4 “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord’!” He takes us through the valley of the shadow of death just to tune our ears to hear His voice of life, fullness and overflow.   

There is a constant tug of war between the satanic vices, secular noises and the voice of God; tune into the voice of the Holy Spirit and win the tug of war.

John 8:47 Whoever is of God hears the words of God. The reason why you do not hear them is that you are not of God.

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