20 Nov 2020 – Tug of War – Part 6

Daniel 10:13 But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days.

Our war is not with people but with principalities, powers and territorial princes. Daniel was fasting and praying for 21 days, however there was a battle over his prayer in the spiritual realm. Most times our unanswered prayers are stuck in transit, in the spiritual realm. It is our unrelenting pose of prayer, praise and petition that will release the heavenly hosts to fight on our behalf.  The angel with the answer for Daniel’s prayer had to fight the territorial spirits that was controlling and ruling the nation of Persia.  

Similarly in Egypt, the tug of war was not between Moses and the Pharaoh but between the kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness. The tug of war was between the Lord God Almighty and the powers, principalities and prideful spirits that were ruling the country of Egypt. In the natural, the Pharaoh appeared to be dominant, equipped and overpowering and the poor Hebrew slaves helpless, panicking and vulnerable however, if we open our spiritual eyes and observe the great escape at the Red Sea, we will see the multitude of heavenly hosts and fiery angels fighting on behalf of the stranded slaves. Exodus 14:25 the Egyptians said, “Let’s get away from the Israelites! The Lord is fighting for them against Egypt.”      

Three guidelines to fight territorial spirits :

1.     Sober: Daniel was distressed, discouraged and disheartened about the devastation that his nation had suffered however, Daniel was not passive in his prayer. He was aggressive in pursuing the prophetic plan of God. In a spiritual battle, if our hearts are turbulent with emotions our focus will be on people. To win the tug of war and win the battle over the territorial spirits we must be sober, strong and serious in inheriting the prophetic words spoken over us. We are not fighting the Pharaoh or the prince of Persia, we are not fighting a manager, a bossy friend or a controlling spouse, we are fighting against the spirits of selfishness, envy and pride that is driving and dominating people. So be sober and fight the territorial spirits on your knees.

2.     Still: Moses had to still himself in the midst of a chaotic circumstance. Silence is when our surrounding is quiet but stillness is the quietness of the soul. Only when our soul is still can we hear the voice of God and lean-in to listen to His direction. If the soul is fluttering with thousands of possibilities to fix an problem, we will miss the counsel of God. In Exodus 14 verse 13 Moses commanded the people to be still and in verse 16, the Lord directs them the next course of action to split the Red Sea. So be still in the midst of the stressful battle to understand the battle strategies.

3.     Subservient: Be obedient to the ‘plan of action’ of the Master. He will direct us to do the impossible, unfeasible and impracticable. His plans might be incomprehensible but stop questioning and start obeying. God has brought us to a dead end not to put an end to us but drown the enemy who is pursuing us. Our obedience will release combat angels to fight for us and open favourable doors.    

The Lord who trampled over the territorial powers and principalities of Persia and Egypt, will win the tug of war for us. Overturn powers, pride and princes with the power of the Holy Spirit.

Zachariah 4:6 ‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the LORD Almighty.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, teach us to fight in the spiritual and not to react in the natural to win over the territorial dominant and controlling spirits. Amen

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