06 Dec 2020 – Unnamed, Unknown & Unseen – Part 2

2 Samuel 20:16 A wise woman called from the city, “Listen! Listen! Tell Joab to come here so I can speak to him.

The enemy of King David took refuge in one of the fortified cities in Israel and the commander of the King seized the city to arrest the rebel. The city was in trouble because a troublemaker had taken shelter in the peaceful haven. This unnamed wise woman stepped forward to negotiate with the commander of the king and resolved the issue. 1 Samuel 20:22a Then the woman went to all the people with her wise advice, and they heeded to her advice.  There is no other mention of this woman anywhere in the scriptures, however it was her virtue that saved the city from innocent bloodshed, loss and a gruesome battle.

Ø  Wisdom and virtue does not need a platform to perform, it rises up to the need and leaves an impact to save, protect and shield.

Ø  Wisdom and virtue does not need prominence to be fruitful, it penetrates breaking the barriers of protocol to bring peace, oneness and unity.

Ø  Wisdom and virtue does not need position; virtue is fuelled and geared by wisdom.

Not everything that glitters are gold. Three noticeable fruits to identify godly wisdom and understanding:

1.     Recognition: The wise and virtuous do not expect or operate on recognition. There is no record of this wise woman who saved the young and old from bloodshed and battle of receiving any award. She was not spoken about by the King, she did not receive a reward, land or gold for her virtuous action. Proverb 14:1 The wisest of women builds up her home, but a stupid one tears it down with her own hands. The wise are in the business of building unity, integrity and creativity. The fruit of the wise can be tasted in their words, wisdom and authenticity.

2.     Exaggeration: The words of the wise will be measured and succinct. Proverbs 10:19 In the multitude of words sin is not lacking, But he who restrains his lips is wise. The intention behind exaggeration is normally self-importance and prominence. The wise and vitreous will never be caught exaggerating or promoting themselves or disparaging or defaming others. Proverbs 27:2 Let someone else praise you, not your own mouth— a stranger, not your own lips. They never gain popularity by slandering or gossiping.  The fruit of the wise is truthful, genuine and authentic.   

3.     Reputation: Name and fame follows the wise, they don’t chase after it. We draw wisdom from this wise woman’s who lived 1000 years before Christ. So nearly 3000 years her wisdom is being discussed, applauded and commendedWisdom does not need a time, place, power, position, platform or podium to display influence. Wisdom will give the best in the time and place it is in, to leave a remarkable and incredible change in the lives around it. The fruit of the wise will not seek self-promotion but impart self-esteem, self-worth and self-confidence.          

Wisdom is a virtue that will outlive us and our pedigree and will overflow into the community and the corporate. We will die but the effect and impact of the wisdom imparted never will.

Proverbs 22:1 A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, let me never seek name or fame but sow wisdom and virtue, for the reward of wisdom are discernment, influence and affluence. Amen

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