10 Dec 2020 – Unnamed, Unknown & Unseen – Part 6

1 Corinthians 5:6-7 Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump? Cleanse out the old leaven that you may be a new lump, as you really are unleavened.

A pinch of unseen yeast in a bowl of dough will ferment and make the new dough rise. Yeast in an airtight container is inactive and tasteless in itself but when mixed with the dough it becomes active. Yeast is an egg-shaped single-cell fungus that is only visible with a microscope. When it is mixed with food, warmth and water, it ferments the sugar and starch in the flour and releases carbon dioxide. It is the carbon dioxide that makes the dough rise.  Symbolically, yeast represents sin. Unseen sin in our lives can spoil our body, mind and soul and destroy our future.   

Prophet Jonah had the yeast of bitterness hidden in his soul, hence he was not able to fulfil his calling and commission wholeheartedly. It was the hidden yeast of bitterness that changed his trajectory and made him run away from his destiny. The yeast of bitterness that made him callous. His soul was like a leaven lump of dough even after God saved him from the depths of the sea. After being swallowed and spewed by the big fish on the shores of Tarshish he was still filled with bitterness and resentment.

This is why the Mosaic law prohibited the sacrifice of any food with yeast. Exodus 34:25 “You shall not offer the blood of my sacrifice with anything leavened”.

The effects of invisible, unconfessed and unseen sin in our lives:

1.     Augments: The effect of yeast is to rise the dough. Similarly, a hidden sin can make us puffed, proud and prejudiced. One hidden sin is enough to spoil our soul. Hidden pride will influence our thinking pattern, tongue and testimony. The yeast of insecurity will influence our decisions, choices and precisions.  The yeast of fear will control our potential, power and progress. No yeast was allowed in the sacrifice and we cannot be a sweet smelling sacrifice to the Lord if there is any yeast, or unconfessed, hidden or  concealed sin in our lives. As yeast rises the dough, sin corrupts the flesh.

2.     Alters: The invisible presence of yeast alters the form, shape, taste and colour of the dough however, it has no effect unless mixed with flour and kneaded with warmth and water. Sin ignored and unfed will die and wither. Only the sin that is fed, nurtured and watered will grow and alter our entire being. Sin entertained will enmesh, entangle, ensnare and alter our focus from eternity.  As yeast alters the dough, sin corrodes the soul.

3.     Activate: Once yeast is activated by warmth and water, it will convert sugar and starch and produce carbon dioxide. Yeast feeds on the sugar and farts carbon dioxide! Similarly, when sin is entertained, it will feed on the sweetness of the soul and releases bitter and foul smelling dioxides. For example, when jealousy is fed, it will emit foul smelling arrogance, irritation and rage. The gluten in the dough keeps the carbon dioxide intact and makes it elastic. Sin activated will penetrate and control every area of our life. It will distort, deform and dirty good habits, meaningful relationships and our closeness with the Lord. As yeast that is activated, does not stop working, sin entertained will not stop destroying.

Our lives cannot be a sweet smelling sacrifice if we have the unseen ingredient of sin in our life. Get rid of the yeast from your life.  A single-cell fungus can ferment a bowl of dough – one sin can completely destroy your life.

Deuteronomy 16:4 Let no yeast be found in your possession in all your land for seven days.

Prayer: Heavenly Father a little leaven will contaminate the whole dough. Help me to get rid of any unseen, unknown and invisible sin from my life. Amen

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