14 Dec 2020 – Covenant Meals – Part 3

Genesis 18:8 Then he (Abraham) brought some butter and milk and the calf that had been prepared. He served them to the three men.

Abraham had a divine visitation when he was 99 years and Sarah was 89 years old. Abraham was not an ordinary man; he was the pioneering patriarch. The Lord God had promised him 24 years ago that nations and kings will come from his loins but there was no sign of the fulfilment of the promise. As their bodies were wasting away, the promised word was becoming dimmer and duller by the day. Yet, “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness” (James 2:23).  When he looked up and saw three men standing nearby his tent, he immediately recognised them as celestial beings. He bowed low to the ground and requested them to rest awhile as he quickly prepared a meal for them. He served bread, tender beef roast, butter and milk. It is while they were eating the meal that one of them said, “I will surely return to you about this time next year. Your wife Sarah will have a son” (Genesis 18:10). The promise that was foretold 24 years ago, became reality during the covenant meal.  Covenant meal was the miracle moment for Abraham and Sarah.

For the New Testament believer, the covenant meal is the communion table. As we partake the meal, with reverence, truthfulness and faithfulness, the promises of God are fulfilled in our lives. Communion table is served with divine health, emotional wellbeing, physical healing and spiritual edification. We will be able to encounter divine visitation, experience divine healing and enjoy the fruition of promises when we engage reverentially in the communion table. 1 Corinthians 11:28-29 For those who eat and drink without discerning the body of Christ eat and drink judgment on themselves. 30 That is why many among you are weak and sick, and a number of you have fallen asleep. Communion is our miracle moment.

Communion, covenant meal fulfils the promises of God:

1.     Fearful: Sarah, the 89 year old gorgeous looking grandma, could not believe the Lord’s utterance that she will be carrying, holding and nursing a baby in a year. Hiding behind the tent (as women in those days would) she giggled. She thought, “I’m worn out, and my husband is old. Can I really know the joy of having a baby?” (Verse 12). Many times, it is our own fear, doubt and unbelief that stops our miracle. Trusting turns the communion elements into miracle essentials.

2.     Fulfill: The Lord was precise about the fulfilment of the promise. Is anything too hard for me? I will return to you at the appointed time next year. Sarah will have a son” (Verse 14). Not a word from the scripture will fall to the ground. The Lord will fulfil His word methodically, meticulously and sequentially. He will never get the timing or the order wrong. Covenant meal or the communion table reaffirms the promise and reassures the miracle.   

3.     Faithful: The Lord was faithful to the couple who were considered dead in their bodies.  The nation of Israel was birthed at the age of 100! The covenant meal was the moment of miracle for Abraham and Sarah and the communion table is our moment of healing, curing and prospering.

Let us not miss our miracle moment. It is hidden in the communion elements and our union with the Passover Lamb, the Bread of Life and the New Wine, Jesus.

Genesis 21:1 The Lord was gracious to Sarah, just as He had said He would be. The Lord did for Sarah what He had promised to do.

Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, help me to become one with your body and blood, enjoy divine encounters and turn the communion table into my miracle moment. Amen

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