15 Dec 2020 – Covenant Meals – Part 4

1 Samuel 9:22 Then Samuel took Saul and his servant into a large room and gave them a choice place at the table.

Saul the first king of Israel was searching for his donkeys when he bumped in Prophet Samuel. Samuel anointed a shepherd of donkeys to a position of dominion over Israel. Before he poured the oil of anointing to ordain him as the King of Israel, Saul and Samuel partook in a banquet. Samuel gave him a special place, the seat of the chief guest and served him the choicest meat that was set aside for the ‘king to be’. Saul was perplexed throughout the feast at his preferential treatment and prestigious place of honour that was given to him. Samuel put his arms around the confused shepherd boy and prophesied –  Don’t worry about the donkeys you lost three days ago, because they have been found. Soon all the wealth of Israel will belong to you and your family” (1 Samuel 9:20).

The table of feast in which Saul was seated with Prophet Samuel was a place of sacrifice and worship. It was a banquet with the elders and the elite.  The dinner with Samuel consummated the calling of Saul to be the first king of Israel. Allegorically, the communion that we the New Testament believers partake is the prestigious banquet table of  prominence and promotion. It is not just wafers and wine but it is the prestigious table of promotion to become one with the Saviour Jesus Christ.  

Communion, covenant meal is the place of promotion:

1.     Prestigious: Prophet Samuel made Saul take the place of honour among thirty elders who were present at the table. Communion is the table of honour. It doesn’t matter who we are, how smelly or stinky our past has been, at the communion table we are the guest of honour. We sit right next to the King of Kings as His children and as chief guests. Communion table elevates us to a prestigious place of honour.

2.     Prominent: Samuel said to the cook, “Bring the meat I gave you, the portion I told you to set aside” (1 Samuel 9:23). Saul was served the best portion of the meat that was set aside for the prophet. Communion is a prominent place of fame and nobility. An ordinary farmer received respect and recognition as he was seated with the Seer. We get to sit with the King of Kings when we share the prominent place of respect at the communion meal. Communion table enthrones us to a place of prominence and respect.

3.     Promotion: The smelly shepherd who was searching for his donkeys found his dominion and destiny at the dinner table. Communion table consummates our calling as it brings us close to the Lord of Lords from whom all promotion comes. No one who comes to King Jesus leaves empty; He fills us with power and confidence. Ephesians 2:6 God raised us up with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus.  The elements of bread and wine unites us to become one with King Jesus. Communion table entitles us for promotions and elevation.

It was at the banquet table that Saul who came searching for his donkeys found his destiny. It is at the communion table do we find supernatural power, prominence and promotion.

1 Samuel 9:23b Samuel said, “This is the meat saved for you. Eat it, because it was set aside for you for this special time.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, teach me to receive the elements of bread and wine that are packed with power, prominence and promotion; reverentially, respectfully and expectantly. Amen

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