02 Jan 2021 – Purpose – Part 2

Proverbs 19:21 Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.

The final words of Steve Jobs were “At this moment, lying on the bed, sick and remembering all my life, I realize that all my recognition and wealth that I have is meaningless in the face of imminent death”. Many intellectual, successful and enterprising personalities who thought they had found their purpose, pursued and achieved it ended their lives disappointed and lost. Our worldly accomplishments, accolades and achievements will have meaning only if it has eternal value. It is important for us to aim high, think big and work hard; however, if our purpose is to build an empire, establish our kingdom, influence, affluence or even our ministry here on earth, it will have no perpetual worth. All our worldly achievements will cease to have value once we leave the earth. Only those who build their lives on the foundation of divine truth, the Word of God, will outlive their lives and continue to influence generations to come.   

Daniel was an ambitious young man who worked hard in a foreign land. He refused short cuts through sorcery or defiled food but he worked hard to tap into the right source hence he stood before kings (Proverbs 22:29).  Do you see a man who excels in his work? He will stand before kings; He will not stand before unknown men.

It is the Word of God embedded in you that will establish your God given purpose:

1.     Enthuse: Your purpose is hidden in the pages of the scripture. Read it with expectation, enthusiasm and excitement. Don’t read the word ritualistically or dutifully, but read it with eagerness to understand, appreciate and embrace. Read it like a hungry baby that feeds on pure milk. Read with an expectancy to discover, learn, correct and change. Pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit and for revelatory gifts.  Word of God is the guiding light to our purpose.   

2.     Entrench: Embed the learning from the Word into your every day daily routine. Only practice will make us perfect. Theoretical head knowledge is of no use until we put it into practice. Wisdom is application of knowledge into our daily routine. The envious Babylonian sorcerers and administrators could not find any error in Daniel as the Word of God was his way of life. He excelled in his work because he was entrenched in the Word of God. Word of God will shape our purpose.      

3.     Enlarge: Word of God will enlarge our vision about ourselves.  Daniel, a  slave, captive and exile from Judah, was able to see him as the chief advising officer in a pagan land, as the power in him was greater than the world around him. We will be able to envisage our God given purpose for our lives only if the Word of God is hidden in us. Daniel was not intimidated by the spiteful sorcerers, malicious satraps or devious officers as he was filled with the divine vision of God given purpose for himself in the foreign land. Word of God ingrained in our hearts will enlarge our vision, expand our goals and stretch us beyond our own capacity with God given ability.

Word of God will guide us into our God given purpose. His Word will make us passionate, audacious and ambitious. As Daniel who lived 2,600 years ago is still influencing us today, we will leave a legacy of positive influence if we pursue our God given purpose.

Daniel 12:3 Those who are wise will shine as bright as the sky, and those who lead many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever.                                           

Prayer: Jesus I need your help to commit to read the word regularly, enthusiastically and expectantly. Help me to increase the time I invest in reading your Word to understand my God given purpose. Amen 

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