05 Jan 2021 – Purpose – Part 5

Luke 16:10 “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.

The size of our purpose is measured by our passion, dedication and vision and not by the dimension of the mission. Many miss their purpose as they fail to start where they are and with what they have. We waste a lot of time waiting for breakthroughs but the key to unlock the doors are hiding in our pocket. In the “parable of talents” Jesus talks about a master who entrusted his property to his servants and to one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability (Matthew 25:12). The watchwords here are “according to his ability”. He is not a partial God but a practical Lord who will not frustrate us more than what we can handle.  The age, experience or the qualification of the servants is not mentioned but we understand that the one who was given five would have had more experience and business acumen than the others. The second servant was a budding tradesman. Both the first and second servants traded and doubled their talents. The master saw untapped potential in the last servant but he buried the talent given to him in the ground. Many dreams, talents, capabilities and abilities are buried in the grave as they were never invested. Only those who dare to step-out with their talents and dreams have discovered their purpose.

Three reasons why people miss their purpose:

1.     Time: Invest your time now into what you want to reap in the future. Don’t miss your purpose waiting for the grand opening. Start where you are and start now – Don’t waste time. Time is the most precious commodity in the world that can never be redeemed – once wasted is lost forever. If you want to become a “writer”, then write and boldly publish your work today to become a Shakespeare, Charles Dickens or Leo Tolstoy in future. Failures are not time wasted but time invested in training. Stop spending your time and start investing your time into your purpose.

2.     Treasure: Invest your treasure, talent and time with the right people. The seed has life but it is the soil that makes it grow. Be around people who will help you to nurture and grow your talent. Jesus said, “Don’t..throw your pearls before the pigs, lest perhaps they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you” (Matthew 7:6). Don’t share your dreams with everybody. This world is full of dream killers. Purpose is lost, dreams are killed and treasures are wasted because they are shared with the wrong people. 

3.     Test: Purpose can never die even in the midst of a trial, test or tempest. The purpose and calling of the ‘Staines Family’ could not be burnt down when Graham and the two boys were burnt alive by the Hindu mob in Orissa, India. Gladys Staines, his widow, returned to serve in the same leper colonyThe true test for our purpose is the passion we carry through the tests and trials we face.People may leave, business may fail, we may fall but our passion should never die. Purpose should live, survive and thrive through pain and persecution.

Those who preached to their wife and empty chairs have become the most profound speakers in the world. Start small, start where you are and serve passionately. It is the small seed of passion that grows into a big fruitful and purposeful tree.

Ephesians 5:15-17 So be very careful how you live.                                           

Prayer: Heavenly Father I rededicate my life, my interests, time and passion to pursue my God given purpose. Make me time conscious, people and purpose conscious to live a purposeful life. Amen 

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