07 Jan 2021 – Purpose – Part 7

Romans 3:3-4 We know that suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope.

The backbone of well defined goals, clear vision and determined purpose is “character”. Talent and skill can make us wealthy, power and position can make us popular but only character will make us purposeful. Hard work, focus and willpower will help us rise to a place of influence but only character will keep us steady in the seat of success. What is character? Actions forms habits and repeated habits forms disposition or character. If the actions are wrong, the motives must be tested. If the motives are wrong, the thought process must be tested and corrected. By changing our thought pattern and motive we can change our actions. By changing our actions we can form good character. Many movie stars commit suicide at the peak of their career as talent, money and fame was not backed with character. Successful, affluent and influential men and women have a pathetic end as they don’t have the character to contain their success.

The young man Joseph was a visionary, dreamer and passionate futurist who could prophetically see in visions his God given purpose. When his life boat wrecked, when he was hated, condemned, accused, betrayed and sold as a slave, he pursued his purpose as he was backed by sound character. When tempted with power, popularity of prosperity, he did not trade his character for promotion. Neither pain nor power could drag him away from purpose as he had the bridle of character guiding his trajectory. He passed the test of character and waited for 13 years for God to fulfil his purpose.

To make our lives purposeful we must pass the three character tests:

1.     Power: Character is tested with power. Abuse of power will defeat our purpose. Genesis 39:6 So Potiphar gave Joseph complete administrative responsibility over everything he owned. Joseph the slave was given utmost administrative authority however, he did not misuse his power or influence. Talent is a gift but character is a choice. It was the choice of character over comfort and pleasure that endorsed Joseph from managing the house of Potiphar to control the treasury of Egypt.   

2.     Popularity: Character is tested with popularity. Genesis 39:6b Joseph was a very handsome and well-built young man.Talent, skill and gifts will attract fame, eminence and prominence. Joseph was six pack, well built handsome young man who was also extremely efficient in his work. Beauty catches attention but character touches the heart. If Joseph had budged into the temptation of lust to satisfy sensual drives, he might have enjoyed temporary pleasures but would have permanently lost his purpose. 

3.     Prosperity: Character is tested with the way we handle money. Genesis 39:8 Joseph refused. “Look,” he told her, “my master trusts me with everything in his entire household. With Joseph in charge of his property, Potiphar, Joseph’s master didn’t worry about a thing—except about what to eat! Character is revealed when pressure is applied. Joseph passed the test of character with money, reserves and property in the house of Potiphar that qualified him to take charge of the coffers of Egypt.

Character is defined by the use or abuse of authority, fame or money that is entrusted to us. Character is simply what you do when no one else is watching you. Integrity in private is the stronghold for the popularity in public. Clarity in character, purity in thoughts, consistency in words, control over emotions and stability over actions are the solid foundations of purpose, potent, passion and prosperity.

1 Corinthians 15:33 Do not be deceived: “Bad company corrupts good character.                                           

Prayer: Heavenly Father May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight. Teach me your ways to form Godly and Goodly characters that will take me to my purpose and keep me in my success. Amen 

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