15 Jan 2021 – Ladder – Part 1

Genesis 28:12-13a And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it. 13 And, behold, the Lord stood above it.

There is a ladder that connects the natural and the supernatural; terrestrial with the celestial; carnal and the spiritual. This is the ladder that establishes our connection with the heavenly realm; that links our mortal mind to the eternal Maker and reconciles human weakness with God’s graciousness.  Jacob, the unlike twin of Isaac and Rebecca, had a broken past as he had cheated his brother Esau of his birthright and tricked his blind father to steal the blessings of the firstborn. Jacob, filled with shame and guilt, was running away from home. It was in this journey of uncertainty that he saw a ladder that reached to heaven, in a dream. The Lord stood at the top of the ladder and promised to be with him, prosper and bring him back to the land that He had promised to his grandfather Abraham. This was the “ladder of grace and mercy”. 

The ladder that connects us with the goodness of God is the ladder of Grace and Mercy:

1.     Grace: Grace is not a Christian cliché; Grace is “undeserved favour.”  Ephesians 2:8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith. The simple definition of the “Grace of God” is the tenderness, kindness and goodness of God that bestows blessings, promotions and rewards that we do not deserve. It was the “ladder of Grace” that changed the name of Jacob (trickster) to Israel (Prince) and gave him a nation as his inheritance.  We are not entitled to receive anything from God. It is only the ladder of Grace that has endowed money, material and ministry; family, friends and fortune in our lives.

2.     MercyMercy is “kindness in excess of what might be expected or demanded of fairness.” It was the Mercy of God that granted Jacob pardon instead of penalty. It is the ladder of Mercy that wiped out our punishment, impeachment and chastisement and granted us forgiveness. No sin too brutal, too cruel or barbaric that the Mercy of Christ cannot forgive. It is the ladder of Mercy that has obtained absolution, acceptance and entitlement for us.

3.     Goodness:  Grace and Mercy does not give us licence to sin but dislodges us from the nastiness of sin and empowers us to receive the Goodness of God. Jacob the cheater should have been reprimanded and punished but the ladder of Mercy took him up the steps of Grace into the palace of God’s Goodness. The ladder of Grace and Mercy is a “one way ladder” to climb up from ruthlessness into righteousness. The ladder does not give us access to step down back into ugly sins and get back into God’s graciousness. The ladder of Grace and Mercy is to taste God’s Goodness, kindness and forgiveness and to live a life of righteousness.   

From the rut of sin, shame and flaw, claim up the ladder of Grace and Mercy; there is no disgrace, humiliation or blame at the top.  At the top of the ladder our dear Saviour will receive us with open arms to accept us back into the family of God. Climb up the “ladder of Grace and Mercy”.

Hebrews 4:16 Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive Mercy and find Grace to help us in our time of need.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I struggle to understand your Grace and Mercy to a “deceiver” like me. I don’t deserve any of the blessings that you have graciously bestowed on me. Help me to claim up the ladder of Grace and Mercy and remain grateful, humble and integrous to your Holy name. Amen 

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