16 Jan 2021 – Ladder – Part 2

Leviticus 26:9 I will look on you with favour and make you fruitful and increase your numbers, and I will keep my covenant with you.

The ladder that takes us into the realm of “God’s favour” is the “ladder of obedience.” Divine favour is support, help and approval of heaven and obedience is the condition in God’s covenant that releases divine favour. God’s love never changes but His favour increases with our obedience and compliance to His Word. Every time we overcome temptation or conquer doubt and rebellion, we step over disobedience and go up the ladder of divine favour. God’s favour will transform a prison into a pleasant dwelling place. Joseph climbed up the ladder of favour when he refused to succumb to temptation hence the Lord gave him favour in the eyes of the prison warden and eventually the Pharaoh. God’s favour will convert a lion’s den into a luxury villa. Daniel’s fearless obedience to faith  was the ladder that took him higher and higher on the ladder of political power and influence. Esther’s selfless obedience gave her favour in the eyes of the furious king to save her people and the nation of Israel.

Humility, obedience and reverential fear of God will take us up the ladder of God’s favour. God’s favour will give us access to places of authority and power. God’s favour will go into a place where we cannot go and speak for us. God’s favour will raise a voice to speak for us in the boardroom; God’s favour will open doors of opportunities that we are not qualified for and God’s favour will give us influence and affluence that we are not worthy of. The tap that opens Heavenly favour is obedience. The ladder that takes us into the high places of Godly favour is obedience.

Obedience will open the floodgates of divine favour:

1.     Reserves: Divine favour gives us access to the divine reserves. We will have the support, supply, security and resources of Heaven when we walk in obedience. Leviticus 26:5 Your threshing will continue until grape harvest and the grape harvest will continue until planting, and you will eat all the food you want and live in safety in your land. Divine wisdom, innovative ideas, intelligence, riches, treasures and possessions will automatically follow the obedient.  

2.     Rain: Divine favour releases timely showers of Grace and God’s goodness. Leviticus 26:4 I will send you rain in its season, and the ground will yield its crops and the trees their fruit. We will reap a bountiful harvest of what we sow as our efforts will be watered by the streams of Heaven. Our memory will remain fresh and full, our alertness will be bright and our zeal will never diminish as we will be refreshed by the showers of divine favour.  

3.     Reward:  Obedience and righteousness will be rewarded and awarded with fruitfulness. When we walk in obedience to His Word, we don’t have to plead for power, possessions or positions. They will automatically follow. Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. The reward of peace, prosperity and progression will follow as we climb up the ladder of obedience.   

Let us be sensitive and obedient to God’s voice, warnings and Word to unleash divine resources, riches and reward. Climb up the ladder of obedience and tap into God’s favour.

Leviticus 26:10 You will still be eating last year’s harvest when you will have to move it out to make room for the new.

Prayer: Father in heaven, I submit and surrender to walk in obedience to unlock the divine favour that you have covenanted to your children. I need not plead for promotions, pay increases or perks as riches, rewards and reserves will follow those who obey your Word. Amen 

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