19 Jan 2021 – Ladder – Part 5

Matthew 20:26 Whoever would be great among you must be your servant.

The first step on the ladder of greatness is “servanthood”. Human heart longs for greatness, importance and prominence.  Greatness is normally misunderstood as eminence, distinction and significance but Jesus taught the pathway to greatness is “servanthood”. Growth will be consistent only if there is an attitude of servanthood, humility and purity with every step of elevation. Many sprout quickly but the weight of pride crushes them before the flower of greatness blossoms through them. The stairway to greatness is service and servanthood. “Leaders become great not because of their power but because of their ability to empower others.”  Jesus washed the feet of His disciples the night before He was crucified to lead by example. Only slaves of the lowest rank were given the menial job of washing the feet of the guests. As the disciples were having identity crisis and were struggling for power, Jesus taught them that “greatness” does not come from position but from the attitude to serve.  

The ladder to greatness and significance is selfless service with no hidden agenda. Politicians distribute free food, clothing and accessories to gain popularity. This is not servanthood. Misuse of power, misappropriation of funds, mishandling of position and abuse of authority will only crumble down into shambles of shame. Servanthood does not expect anything in return. Service that seamlessly help people who cannot repay and service to the neglected, ignored and abandoned will take us up the ladder of greatness. We might not be recognised, appreciated and applauded by people but we will be clearly rewarded with divine eternal riches.   

Three qualifications of a servant-leader:

1.     Purity: Only the pure in heart can grip onto the ladder of greatness. “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8). Nathanael, a man who was truthful and without guile was promoted from sitting under the fig tree and meditation on the Word of God to become a disciple of Jesus. The corrupt, crude and cunning who try to become prominent and popular will never find the ladder of greatness as their eyes are clouded with pride. Greatness calls for purity in intentions, actions and attributions.   

2.     Teachability: Only the teachable will relentlessly climb up the ladder of servanthood and reach greatness.  Jesus rebuked Peter for his abrupt advice and said, “get behind be satan”, but Peter did not become touchy, irritable or moody and walk away from Jesus. He corrected his attitude and followed Jesus to become the rock on which the church was built.  Greatness requires teachable, correctable and changeable attitude.  

3.     Humility: Only the humble can handle greatness without being consumed by pride. Only the humble can appreciate the talents of others, create opportunities to accelerate the gifts of others and applaud the achievements of others. Greatness is not about reaching the top but motivating, empowering and equipping others to reach the summit with you. Only the humble can enjoy the victories of others and hence only the humble can reach the top of the ladder of servanthood and walk into greatness.

There are many who are talented, intelligent and skilled but there are very few who are true servant-leaders who develop other leaders. Greatness is not about your achievements but about enabling others to reach the heights of greatness.   

John 13:12 & 15 When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. 15 I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you..

Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, I surrender the hidden sins and pride that stops and stumbles me on my path to greatness. Tenderise me and make me teachable, amendable and humble to go up the ladder of greatness. Amen 

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