22 Jan 2021 – Unanswered Prayers – Part 1

Luke 11:1b “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.”

The disciples watched Jesus perform marvellous miracles before their eyes. He opened the eyes of the blind, cleansed leapers, raise the dead and exorcised demons yet, the only thing they asked Him to teach was ”to pray”. They noticed that the prayer of Jesus was very different to what they had traditionally believed and practiced. Morning by morning, they saw Jesus rising up early and spending the first few hours in prayer whereas their understanding of prayer from the religious leaders was only ritualistic and rhetorical. The disciples understood that their fundamental approach to prayer was wrong.

A question that refluxes often is – “why are some prayers unanswered for days, weeks, months or even years?” What is fundamentally wrong in our approach to prayer? Jesus taught us the basic approach to a powerful prayer life in the model prayer which is traditionally called “the Lord’s Prayer”. This is only a prototype that gives us the procedure and the protocol. Reciting and repeating it several times with a wandering mind and disconnected heart is only a waste of time and energy.

Three basic rules, “do’s and don’ts to prayer from the model prayer that Jesus taught us:

1.     Praise: We must approach our Father in Heaven, praising not whining. “Hallowed be your name.” His name is a powerful name. If our earthly father was the King of a country, doors would open automatically, people would serve us and we would command respect wherever we go. It is not because of what we have done but because of “who we are”. There is power, provision and protection in the name of Jesus.  When we praise the name of the Lord of Lords, divine doors will automatically open and take us to the presence of the King of Kings. Approach prayer as a king’s kid with praise, singing and gratitude giving honour, hallow and exaltation to the Lord.    

2.     Petition: Most of the things we pray for are automatic provision that we need not waste time asking. Jesus said do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear (Matthew 6:25). A king’s kid would not worry about basic needs such as food and clothing, as their provision is from the king’s treasury. Nevertheless, Jesus said, “give us today our daily bread”.  This is not food for the body but food for the soul. Principle of petition is not to plead and beg for a pay rise, promotion or perquisites but to pray for Godly wisdom, virtue and skills that will make us productive, innovative, sharp, creative and purposeful.

3.     Penitence: Many of us are quick to be repentant and seek forgiveness but very slow and reluctant to forgive others. Matthew 6:14 For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. Unforgiveness will shut the door of Heaven and deny divine access. Our prayers will fall back on our lap when we brood unforgiveness, grudge and hostility in our hearts.

Many of our prayers are unanswered as we don’t have our fundamentals of prayer right. Start with praise, petition for productivity and pray with a forgiving, merciful and pardoning heart. Prayer is not a ritual or religious activity but a response to a meaningful divine relationship.

Matthew 6:7 When you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words.

Prayer: Our Father in Heaven, your name is my power, provision, potent. Make me virtuous, wise and  purposeful and soften my heart to be ever forgiving. Amen 

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