14 Feb 2021 – Songs – Part 3

Judges 5:11 Listen to the village musicians gathered at the watering holes. They recount the righteous victories of the Lord and the victories of his villagers in Israel.

The song of victory that Deborah sang in Judges chapter 5 is a descriptive narration of the mighty works of God, the interference of the Heavenly hosts and the co-operation of nature and all of God’s creation in the triumphant expedition. It is very evident that Israel neither had weapons of warfare nor were they trained for war. Not a shield or spear was seen among forty thousand in Israel (Vs 8b). Israel won the battle not with sword or spear but with stars and stormy clouds. The earth shook, the Heavens poured, the clouds poured down water. 5 The mountains quaked before the Lord, the One of Sinai, before the Lord, the God of Israel (Vs 4b-5). From the Heavens the stars fought, The river Kishon swept them away (Vs 20a&21a). The Lord, the God of Israel went out to fight for His children, hence all of His creation joined Him in the battle to defeat the enemies of Israel.

Songs are words, phrases, idioms, tunes, melodies and harmonies that should give a detailed description of God’s protection, defence and security over our lives. There are no coincidences in the life of a child of God. The accidents, unforeseen collusions and the unfortunate incidents that we miss are coincidences of divine interventions, Heavenly diversions and natural occurrences that work together for our good. Every miss, mishap and misfortune is a victorious conquest and must turn into a descriptive song like the song of Deborah.  

Make the storm, the dark sky and the earthquakes a descriptive song of praise:

1.     Storm: The storm clouds that brought a heavy downpour during the battle swelled the rivers and swept away the enemy. Sing when you hear the raging storm clouds of threats in social media, crashing businesses and financial losses. God is sending the storm clouds to fight our battle. The storm will wash away the dirt, muck and dead leaves and give us a brand new start. Sing a song when the storm clouds gather.

2.     Stars: When the stars go into hiding, they are turning their lights off to make the enemy droop in the dark. Sing when there are no stars in the sky, when darkness settles and not a ray of light can be found, as the Lord Himself is our light and our salvation. When the Lord goes out to fight for us, the stars go before Him and wrestle for us. When you cannot see His hand, lean on His heart and sing a song of praise.

3.     Shakes: The earth shakes and opens its mouth to devour the enemy. The shaking will throw the enemy into terror, horror and confusion, whereas, the shudder will shovel us closer to victory. The shaking is only to give us a swift leap over the mountains of illness, insecurity and inferiority and scoop us up to victory. We must sing a song of praise when the earth beneath us trembles and shakes. God is in absolute control!    

Song is a descriptive description of the might, power, and supremacy of God who is fighting our battles. All of God’s creations are unleashed when we start singing a song of praise in the scary storms, shakes and snake bites.

Judges 5:31 “So may all your enemies perish, Lord! But may all who love you be like the sun when it rises in its strength.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, you are orchestrating everything for my good. I will sing through the storm, the dark skies and the earthquakes as they are only Heavenly soldiers fighting for my victory. Amen

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