23 Feb 2021 – Foothold – Part 5

Philippians 4:2 I plead with Euodia and I plead with Syntyche to be of the same mind in the Lord.

The epistle of Philippians is considered as the jewel of all epistles. Paul talks about joy, peace and fullness of life in Christ Jesus, however, he pleads with two woman Euodia and Syntyche to have oneness, unity and agreement over a dispute that is not detailed. Theologians give us several reasons for the dispute but Paul did not describe it, so it must have been insignificant. It could have been a small disagreement over the dressing styles or traditions, tastes or a silly tongue lash. Paul pleaded with them to settle the dispute, disagreement and difference to avoid disunity that gives the devil a foothold. Songs of Solomon 2:15 Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vineyards, our vineyards that are in bloom. A bitter dispute always starts as a small disagreement. Before the disagreement grows into a damaging dispute, we must learn to catch the little foxes of irritation, frustrations and disappointments and resolve issues. Disunity gives the devil a foothold!

Disagreements at home could start over a TV channel, a tradition, practice, habit or a ridiculous comment and will grow into a dispute. Catch the little foxes at the fence before they could get to the vine. It is disunity over small things that divides a home.            

Watch out for these three foxes that instigates disputes and disunity:

1.     Tradition: Traditions were instilled to bring discipline, routine and regulations to life. However, when traditions become obsessions and practiced without understanding they become a foothold for the devil. The Pharisees accused the disciples of Jesus, “Why do Your disciples break the tradition of the elders?” (Matthew 15:2a). On the contrary, the Pharisees followed all the traditions meticulously without meaning. Traditions are made for man not man for traditions. When rituals, routines and regulations rule the home, it becomes like a military base!  Overemphasis on perfectionism, precision and pickiness will make us impractical, unrealistic and unworkable. Don’t let tradition, belief or custom give the devil a foothold.

2.     Taste: The two women in the church of Philippi might have disagreed on the colour of the curtains, arrangement of chairs or over the afternoon menu but the small disagreement grew into a dispute that Paul who was in the Roman prison was informed about it. When you get irritated over silly, small or insignificant things, stop and reflect. Is it worth the fuss? Many couples decide to part as they are “not compatible”. Compatibility must be cultivated. It is not a gift but a fruit. It is grown not given. We must learn to adjust, accept and admire the interests, likes and tastes of others while striking a balance over our choices and tastes. Don’t let rigidity give the devil a foothold.

3.     Tongue: It is also possible that the woman in Philippi, tongue-lashed at each other. There are some people who have to give their opinion about everything! Picking the right time to talk is very important for unity. Many families argue and try to teach, coach and educate in the middle of a heated argument. In most cases, wives talk too much and husbands too little. Elaborate description or silent signals can both cause damage, disunity and disdain. Don’t allow your tongue to open the door or give the devil an opportunity to dislodge your unity.    

It is the little foxes that causes disunity, disintegration and division in homes, churches and relationships. Don’t let tradition, tastes or tongue give the devil a foothold in your life.  

Ephesians 4:3 Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, help me to understand the cause of the irritation, frustration and aggravation and teach me to uproot it before it sows disunity and disintegration into my relationships. Amen

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