25 Feb 2021 – Foothold – Part 7

Philippians 4:6a Do not be anxious about anything.

Meticulous planning, preparation and scrupulous organisational skills are essential for a successful life, however, when it transforms into “control”, then the guiding measure turns into a monster and the benchmark becomes a barrier. Anxiety and stress are triggered when things don’t go according to our plan or anticipation. Hence anxious people try to control the circumstances by controlling people! It is stressful to be a ‘control freak’ and annoying to be around one. Even the slightest variance to their well laid out plan will irritate, frustrate and infuriate “control freaks”. Planning is indispensable but trusting is vital. Many plans are in a man’s heart, but the purpose of the LORD will prevail (Proverbs 19:21). Planning is our part but executing and bringing it into fruition is the Lord’s.

When Martha knew that Jesus was in the town, she organised a surprise study group at her house. Martha, (the control freak),  could not understand how Mary could sit at the feet of Jesus to receive spiritual food while she was busy cutting, cooking and baking to serve the guest. Control freaks will expect the whole world to twirl around their priorities, preferences and predilections! Anxiety, worry and control gives the devil a foothold.                

Three tips to let go anxiety:

1.     Frustrate: Those who are easily irritable, snappy and grouchy are normally control freaks. We find them impatient on the road when the traffic gets heavy, we find them intolerant in the supermarket lines and sometimes we find them at home, work or even at church!. If you find yourself getting frustrated with mundane day to day routine, then, slowdown and check the anxiety level. The Bible says, don’t be anxious about “anything”. “Anything” in the English dictionary means “a thing, no matter what”. It doesn’t matter how big or small, how rare or routine, how tough or easy; anxiety will mould us into “control freaks” controlling others. Let go into God’s hands, trust and rest. Don’t let anxiety give the devil a foothold.  

2.     Fret: Anxiety causes imaginary fear, fret and fright. Anxiety will try to control change, cause friction and  leave us fretful about the future. Trying to control the “what ifs” will make us typhoons, terrors and toxic. Fret will drain our faith. Fear will make us lose our sleep, fret will control and consume our thoughts and fear will make us stressful, anxious and worried. Fear will cloud our eyes from focusing on the will and plan of God. “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). Stillness in our soul will make us sensitive to the Holy spirit and insensitive to the threats, frets and rackets. Fear will give the devil a foothold.

3.     Foolish: Anxiety will make us foolish. Martha was irritated with Mary as her priorities were not Mary’s concerns. Her anxiety was not Mary’s apprehension, hence after fuming in the kitchen for a few hours, she burst out into fits of rage before all the guests, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!” 41 “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, 42 but few things are needed—or indeed only one (Luke 10:40-42). Sadly because of her foolishness, Jesus had to chastise her before all the guests. Control freaks have no control over their tongue and give the devil a foothold.    

Don’t allow anxiety, worry or fear of the future to give the devil a foothold in your life.   

Ephesians 4:27 Do not give the devil a way to defeat you.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I pray that my spiritual antennas will be sensitive to repel anxiety, fear or worry. Teach my fretting soul to be still and rest in your faithfulness as you hold my future in your hands. Amen

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