26 Feb 2021 – Rain – Part 1

Isaiah 55:10-11 As the rain and the snow come down from Heaven and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, 11 so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

Rain was an integral part of divine blessings before the irrigation system was known to mankind. Job 5:10 “He gives rain on the earth, And sends water on the fields”. If there was no rain there was no crop, no growth and no food. In the above verse, the analogy of rain is referenced to the “Word of God”. As rain wets, flourishes and blossoms the land and produces seed, the Word of God produces food for our soul and strength to our spirit.  A seed can be used for sowing or eating. Sowing the seed (Word) will multiply it in our hearts and make us spiritually wise but eating the seed (Word) will strengthen our soul and make us spiritual giants. Sowing is a process of studying, understanding, memorising and meditating the Word of God to draw the sap from it whereas eating is claiming, processing and making the promises come alive in our lives.  Eating is strengthening whereas sowing is building the faith.  Hence, “The Water Cycle” is a good simile to understand the “The Word Cycle”.

Three keys to turn vapour into rain showers of blessing in our lives:

1.     Cycle: “The Water Cycle” of water becoming vapour, condensing into droplets and forming rainclouds, dew or snowflakes is the same as the “The Word Cycle”. When we read, meditate and mull over the Bible, the words evaporate under the heat of the Holy Spirit and condense in our heart as droplets of rain. The more we meditate, memorise and mulch over the scriptures, the thicker and heavier the clouds will become and when it is too heavy for the clouds to hold, it will shower down as rain over our lives.   

2.     Crumb: In order to condense, the water vapour must have a solid to glom onto. This solid “seed” may be a speck of dust or pollen, or a drop of water or crystal of ice. This speck of pollen is “the seed of faith” that helps the Word that we meditate to grow into thick clouds of favour, fortune and fortitude. Jesus said, Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” (Matthew 17:20). It is the tiny crumb, pollen or seed of faith that is instrumental in the formation of the rain clouds of blessings.  

3.     Cloud: The cloud must become too heavy to stay suspended in the sky before it can pour down as rain. Similarly, the word must become heavy in our hearts. When the skies of life get dark, cloudy and gloomy, just stand on His Word until the cloud gets too heavy to stay up in the sky. The atmosphere between the head and the heart will determine the precipitation to pour down as rain or snow or hail. So, keep the atmosphere between the head and the heart calm to receive the showers of blessings.    

Hence without vapour there is no rain, without rain there is no growth and without growth there is no food or fruit. Similarly, without absorption, meditation, memorisation, repetition, reflection and confession of God’s Word, there will be no blessings.        

Leviticus 26:4 He sends you showers, both autumn and spring rains.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, May the cycle of Word bring continuous flow of showers to  flourish the garden of my heart with faith, faithfulness and favour. Amen

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