28 Feb 2021 – Rain – Part 3

1 Kings 18:41 Elijah said to Ahab, “Go, eat and drink, for there is the sound of a heavy rain.”

Elijah was a prophet who not only powerfully operated in the gifts of the miraculous signs but also bought fire and rain from Heaven on the same day. Just moments after he brought fire from Heaven and defeated and obliterated the prophets of Baal, he went up Mount Carmel and prayed for rain. He won two separate spiritual battles just hours apart! Bringing fire from Heaven was a “great revival meeting” and bringing rain from Heaven was a reconstruction mission. For the revival fire, he needed an altar, a trench full of water and some energetic worship, whereas, for the revitalizing mission of turning dryness into lushness, he had to go in a birthing posture. Elijah climbed to the top of Carmel, bent down to the ground and put his face between his knees (1 Kings 18:42).

To turn the patchiness into plenteousness, conceive the God given plan, nurture His promises in your heart and labour in prayer and fasting. Birthing posture of going down on our knees turns curses into blessings.

Three keys to open the floodgates of divine blessings:

1.     Conceive:  We cannot give birth unless we conceive. Conception is a process that happens only in intimacy. Elijah was audacious in his ministry as he walked with God, leaned on his bosom and heard the heartbeat of God. Authority to turn years of dryness is conceived, only in the intimate place of our prayer closet. His promises are planted in us during the closeness of personal prayer. As we read the word, fast and pray, the seed will grow and exhibit symptoms of conception. Morning sickness, tiredness and unexplainable fatigue are signs of conception. Similarly, as we spend more time in prayer, our authority over the demonic will intensity, the power of barrenness will be broken. Without conception, there will be no transformation.   

2.     Labour: As soon as a pregnant woman crosses her first trimester, she will start showing visible signs. As the seed of the promise grows, there must be changes in our lifestyle, preferences and priorities. Elijah had to go through labour pains to drench the land with water after 3 ½ years of dryness. To turn the blue skies into cloudy stormy clouds, and bring a heavy downpour of rain and flash floods Elijah endured labour pangs. Seven times Elijah said, “Go back.” (1 Kings 18:43b). He did not want spitting ‘passing clouds’ but ‘heavy rainclouds’ to turn the arid into an arcadia. Without labouring in prayer, fasting and labour pains there will be no spiritual gains.  

3.     Birth: As soon as Elijah witnessed a cloud as small as a man’s hand, he prepared for birthing. So Elijah said, “Go and tell Ahab, ‘Hitch up your chariot and go down before the rain stops you.’ (1 Kings 18:44). Once the labour starts, no one can stop it; not even the birthing mother. To unbolt the floodgates of Heaven and unleash the divine blessings, we must go through the birthing pains and labour in prayer. Without birthing, there are no new beginnings.      

To turn the dryness into freshness, conception, labouring and birthing are unavoidable.  To turn the curses, brokenness and desolation into a blooming garden, go into the birthing position on your knees of fasting and labour in prayer. Only the birthing position will bring the storm clouds of abundance of rain.    

1 Kings 18:45 Meanwhile, the sky grew black with clouds, the wind rose, a heavy rain started falling.

Prayer: Lord, I don’t want passing clouds of rain spitting on my life. Help me to labour and birth storm clouds and torrential rains that will fill every dry ditch and payback every lack, slack and setback in my life. Amen

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