01 March 2021 – Rain – Part 4

1 Kings 3:17 For this is what the Lord says: You will see neither wind nor rain, yet this valley will be filled with water, and you, your cattle and your other animals will drink.

Rain is welcomed but not rainy days as they are messy, muddy and mucky. In 2 Kings 3, the King of Israel mobilised the allied troops of Judah and Edom to fight against the King of Moab who had rebelled against him. They marched around the desert of Edom and the troops ran out of water. When the King of Israel panicked that the thirsty troops will be delivered into the hands of the enemy, Elisha the prophet prophesied, “You will not see wind of rain, but the valley will be filled with water”. The prophet said, there will be a miracle without a mess and that the blessings will flow without any burden. They will enjoy the benefit of fresh rainwater without getting themselves, their battle gear and their animals wet. Imagine the open fields getting muddy and dirty and the army drenching wet in the rain. They experienced no inconvenience yet enjoyed ‘life-giving water’.

There are times when it will appear that our prayers are not heard as there will be no visible signs of storm clouds, wind or rain yet, the water will flow into our valley from the ravines and  revitalize us. The financial dryness, physical sickness or emotional deadness might not receive a direct downpour of rain. There might not be any signs of a breakthrough, no cloud in the sky and no showers in the desert yet, God will open the reservoirs of Heaven and revive us.

Three methods of divine provision:

1.     Messy: We read that water flowed from Edom (2 Kings 3:20). Edomites and Israelites were cousins yet, they never had a cordial relationship. Edom is mentioned as Israel’s enemy, and the two nations fought frequently. The Lord permitted the enemy to become messy to quench the thirst of the dehydrated army. If water flowed from the direction of Edom, then it must have rained in Edom. If water has to gush all the way to the dry valley, it must have been a crippling, stormy, rainy day in Edom which would have paralysed their routine. God’s divine miracles will mess the enemy to recalibrate us.   

2.     Mystery: God gave Israel a mysterious win! To the Moabites across the way, the water looked red—like blood (2 Kings 3:22b).  The life-giving water on one side of the valley looked like blood to the Moabites on the other side which made them misjudge that the three ally armies fought amongst themselves and had slaughtered each other. Many scholars believe that the kingdom of Edom was associated with red because of the red cliffs located in its area. The mirage that the Moabites(enemy) saw was deceptive and they charged against the large army of Israelite allies and were defeated. The delusion of the enemy will bring divine deliverance to us.

3.     Mighty: The blessing that brought life to Israel brought death to the Moabites. God’s ways, directions and victories are mighty and mysterious. Romans 11:33 Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable His judgments, and His paths beyond tracing out! We might not see visible signs, dramatic changes or vivid variations to our situation but that doesn’t mean God is not at work to bring the relief. God’s divine ways are mysterious yet miraculous.      

To make us mighty, the enemy’s ground will become messy. There might not be a sign in the sky yet the miraculous breakthrough will come, just in time.    

2 Corinthians For we walk by faith, not by sight.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, help my fluttering heart to rest on you, even when there is no visible sign for I know that you will make water flow from the enemy’s territory into my chasm. Amen

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